Rebecca Davis
DailyMaverick, 29 November 2011
Helen Zille tweets almost daily to 84,967 followers – and rising. To put things in perspective, that’s almost 15,000 more people than the number who follow the account of the presidency (@SAPresident).
It’s clear Zille derives some enjoyment from Twitter: on more than a few occasions she has referred to it as her form of recreation. Read more ...
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Crooked former ANC Mayor’s case referred to NPA
An extract from a statement issued by Wilmot James, Federal Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance, 27 November 2011:
"The corruption case involving former Hessequa Mayor Christopher Taute, who the Public Protector in July found guilty of abusing his position by soliciting donations for the ANC, has been referred by the Hawks to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
In January, the DA revealed that Mr Taute had written to local Hessequa businesspeople, telling them to donate money to the ANC in the run-up to the May 2011 local government election because their contracts were 'made possible by this ANC-run council'.
Crooked officials like Christopher Taute must be held to account for their actions." Read more ...
In January, the DA revealed that Mr Taute had written to local Hessequa businesspeople, telling them to donate money to the ANC in the run-up to the May 2011 local government election because their contracts were 'made possible by this ANC-run council'.
Crooked officials like Christopher Taute must be held to account for their actions." Read more ...
Rade se dienste: AfriForum weer na hof
Beeld, 27 November 2011
AfriForum sit sy hofstryd voort om te keer dat sekere munisipaliteite vrygestel word van die Verbruikersbeskermingswet.
Die wet, wat verbruikers sekere regte gee wanneer hulle nie dienste of goedere kry waarvoor hulle betaal nie, sou belastingbetalers ’n wapen gegee het teen nie-presterende munisipaliteite. Lees verder ...
AfriForum sit sy hofstryd voort om te keer dat sekere munisipaliteite vrygestel word van die Verbruikersbeskermingswet.
Die wet, wat verbruikers sekere regte gee wanneer hulle nie dienste of goedere kry waarvoor hulle betaal nie, sou belastingbetalers ’n wapen gegee het teen nie-presterende munisipaliteite. Lees verder ...
Staat ‘gemelk vir ANC se fees’
Jeanne-Marié Versluis
Die Burger, 27 November 2011
Die ANC melk staatsdepartemente deurdat hy ’n departement R45 000 vra om op sy eeufeesvieringe volgende jaar ’n uitstalling te hê, terwyl die private sektor R20 000 per stalletjie moet betaal.
Dié tariewe is in ’n omsendbrief wat by haar kantoor afgelewer is, het me. Helen Zille, DA-leier en Wes-Kaapse premier, Saterdag in Pretoria gesê. Lees verder ...
Die ANC melk staatsdepartemente deurdat hy ’n departement R45 000 vra om op sy eeufeesvieringe volgende jaar ’n uitstalling te hê, terwyl die private sektor R20 000 per stalletjie moet betaal.
Dié tariewe is in ’n omsendbrief wat by haar kantoor afgelewer is, het me. Helen Zille, DA-leier en Wes-Kaapse premier, Saterdag in Pretoria gesê. Lees verder ...
The evidence that damns Mac Maharaj
Stefaans Brümmer & Sam Cole
Mail & Guardian Online, 25 November 2011
A trail of evidence seen by the Mail & Guardian reveals a highly improper relationship between Mac Maharaj and Schabir Shaik - despite a decision by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) not to bring corruption charges against him. Read more ...
Maharaj en die wapenskandaal
Mail & Guardian Online, 25 November 2011
A trail of evidence seen by the Mail & Guardian reveals a highly improper relationship between Mac Maharaj and Schabir Shaik - despite a decision by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) not to bring corruption charges against him. Read more ...
Maharaj en die wapenskandaal
Sunday, November 27, 2011
This week's good news: Michaela wins international peace prize
Earlier this week, the International Children’s Peace Prize 2011 was awarded to Michaela Mycroft from South Africa. Michaela, 17, also called Chaeli, received this award for her commitment to the rights of children with disabilities in South Africa through her project: the Chaeli Campaign.
From the five nominated children, who were announced by Desmond Tutu at the end of October, the expert committee chose her as the winner. The prize was presented to her by Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire.
The International Children’s Peace Prize, an initiative of the Dutch organisation KidsRights, is presented annually to an exceptional child, whose courageous or otherwise remarkable acts and thoughts have made a difference in countering problems, which affect children around the world. Read more ...
From: SA - The Good News
From the five nominated children, who were announced by Desmond Tutu at the end of October, the expert committee chose her as the winner. The prize was presented to her by Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire.
The International Children’s Peace Prize, an initiative of the Dutch organisation KidsRights, is presented annually to an exceptional child, whose courageous or otherwise remarkable acts and thoughts have made a difference in countering problems, which affect children around the world. Read more ...
From: SA - The Good News
No need to assess Constitutional Court judgements - DA
Statement issued by Dene Smuts, DA Spokesperson on Justice and Constitutional Development
24 November 2011
24 November 2011
Cabinet's decision to subject the judgements of the Constitutional Court to research in order to see how they have influenced inter alia socio-economic transformation must rate as one of its strangest proposals to date.
It will inevitably be seen as a sinister attempt to bend the Bench to the executive and the ruling party's will, especially given the recent spate of hostile comment from such persons as ANC Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe and Deputy Correctional Services Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi, and the fact that it is common knowledge that certain judgements are unpopular with the ANC.
The courts are not an instrument of government policy whose output can be measured on performance indicators and other governance criteria. They are there to give authoritative interpretation of the Constitution and the law. Read more ...
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Some interesting facts about service delivery by the Kouga municipality.
Barry Vosloo
Strategic planning workshop
Strategic planning workshop
The Kouga municipality held a strategic planning workshop this week, which was attended by the councillors. At the workshop, some interesting facts about the municipal infrastructure emerged.
Municipal infrastructure grant
The municipal infrastructure grant received by the municipality from the central government amounts to R80,474m. R148,576m is needed.
Water consumption
In 2010/2011 the Kouga municipality provided 6.558 kℓ of water per day to Jeffreys Bay residents and businesses. It is anticipated that consumption will be 11,668 kℓ per day in 2020/21.
The inhabitants of Jeffreys Bay consume electricity to the tune of about 26 MVA annually. Although the general condition of the electrical distribution network is fair, it needs much maintenance. However, the main infrastructure must be upgraded due to growing demand in Jeffreys Bay .
The municipality is responsible for the maintenance of 315 km of tarred and 87 km of gravel roads in the Kouga. R5 512 500 per year is required to maintain tarred roads, but the budget allocation for the past year was only R1 873 000.
Storm water
The municipality experiences storm water problems in several areas. The high cost of providing storm water infrastructure is described as “a huge challenge”.
Geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan-vergadering wél op 29 November
Barry Vosloo
'n Wyk 3-vergadering om die ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die wyk te bespreek, word wél op 29 November 2011 in die Newtonsaal gehou. Die vergadering begin om 10:00.
Volgens raadslid Henda Thiart het die plaaslike media vandeesweek verkeerdelik berig dat die vergadering op 24 November plaasgevind het.
'n Wyk 3-vergadering om die ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die wyk te bespreek, word wél op 29 November 2011 in die Newtonsaal gehou. Die vergadering begin om 10:00.
Volgens raadslid Henda Thiart het die plaaslike media vandeesweek verkeerdelik berig dat die vergadering op 24 November plaasgevind het.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Howe ANC se nuwe teiken?
Jonathan Shapiro's latest cartoon, published in the Mail&Gaurdian's Friday edition, depicts an apparent rape victim, presumably Lady Justice, shouting "fight, sister, fight!" as Zuma unbuckles his trousers in front of a woman labelled "Free Speech". She is held down by the ANC's Gwede Mantashe. Zuma, complete with the infamous showerhead, has "govt" emblazoned on his jacket.
Anesca Smith
nuus24, 25 November 2011
Kaapstad – Die kabinet se besluit om uitsprake van die grondwethof te laat ontleed, het Donderdag die vrees laat ontstaan dat die volgende ANC-aanval op die regbank op pad is. Lees verder ...
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A touching (non-political) story
This orangutan became depressed after it lost its parents. It was kept at an animal shelter and nothing seemed to help. A sick dog was then brought to the shelter and they have been inseperable ever since. Read more ...
Creative accounting to fund ANC centenary celebration
Below is an extract from a media statement issued on 23 November 2011 by Bobby Stevenson (MPL), DA Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature Leader and spokesperson on finance:
“The R1, 683 billion Adjustments Appropriation Bill tabled in the Eastern Cape provincial legislature today (subs: 23 November) has an amount of R27,5 million for transfers to all political parties for the political party fund, constituency- and caucus funds.
This Christmas bonus has come as a result of under expenditure in the legislature for the 2010/11 financial year. This money is now being rolled over.
There is no doubt that this unexpected additional allocation is because of the ANC centenary celebration. They will get the lion's share of the money and the bulk of this adjustment is nothing more than creative accounting to fund their celebrations through the party-political fund which is the mechanism by which the legislature legally distributes funds to political parties.”
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Korrupsie en omkopery aan die vererger in Suid-Afrika
Barry Vosloo
Volgens die RSG se 08:00-nuusbulletin op 23 November 2011, is korrupsie en omkopery volgens 'n meningspeiling deur die teenkorrupsie-organisasie, Transparency International, aan die vererger in Suid-Afrika.
Volgens die RSG se 08:00-nuusbulletin op 23 November 2011, is korrupsie en omkopery volgens 'n meningspeiling deur die teenkorrupsie-organisasie, Transparency International, aan die vererger in Suid-Afrika.
Transparency International beskryf sy rol soos volg: “[It] is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. Corruption is defined by Transparency International as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain.”
RSG berig voorts: “In vier van die ses lande in suider-Afrika wat deelgeneem het, het mense aangedui dat hulle omkoopgeld betaal om dienste te versnel. In Suid-Afrika en die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo is meer omkoopgeld betaal om probleme met die owerheid te vermy. In die peiling is meer as ses duisend mense in die DRK, Malawi , Mosambiek, Suid-Afrika, Zambië en Zimbabwe uitgevra. In die streek is 62 persent van die mense van mening dat korrupsie in die afgelope drie jaar erger geword het. Diegene wat in al ses lande deelgeneem het aan die peiling, het die polisie as die mees korrupte diensverskaffer uitgewys.”
Die polisie mag die mees korrupte diensverskaffer in Suid-Afrika wees, maar ewe onrusbarend is Transparency International se Junie 2011-verslag oor aanspreeklikheid en integriteit in primêre onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Die verslag lui onder andere: “There is a general concern among the schools’ leadership of embezzlement occurring at the provincial level. One out of three principals thinks the highest risk is related to the embezzlement of funds, e.g. when procuring textbooks, remunerating staff and constructing school buildings.” Lees verder ...
Onlangse gebeure gee min hoop dat die situasie met betrekking tot korrupsie sal verbeter. Beeld (23 November) se hoofartikel bestempel die aanvaarding van die Wetsontwerp op die Beskerming van Staatsinligting gister in die Nasionale Vergadering as “’n geniepsige slag vir die oop, deursigtige demokrasie wat in 1994 met groot pyn en opoffering in Suid-Afrika tot stand gebring is.” Die skrywer is van mening dat dit die teelaarde skep vir die verberging van korrupsie. Lees verder ...
Suid-Afrikaners kan nie verkwalik word nie as hulle soos N P van Wyk Louw wonder:
“O wye en droewe land, alleen
onder die groot suidersterre.
Sal nooit 'n hoë blydskap kom
deur jou stil droefenis?”
onder die groot suidersterre.
Sal nooit 'n hoë blydskap kom
deur jou stil droefenis?”
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Maharaj en die wapenskandaal
Spotprent: Fred Mouton
Die Burger, 22 November 2011
Die bohaai oor mnr. Mac Maharaj, pres. Jacob Zuma se woordvoerder, en sy beweerde aandeel in omkopery verwant aan die wapenskandaal beklemtoon opnuut ou waarhede.
Korrupsie is ’n kanker in enige samelewing wat nie onderskat moet word nie.
Akademiese studies bewys dat korrupsie een van die grootste struikelblokke vir die opheffing van agtergeblewe gemeenskappe is.
Geld wat aangewend kon word om skole, klinieke en huise te bou, paaie en waterpype aan te lê, en onderwysers en gesondheidswerkers te betaal, verdwyn in die sakke van ’n groepie rykes. Mense wat – ondanks hul mooi woorde in die openbaar – net in hul eie mag en bankrekenings belangstel, en nie in die hulp aan die stemloses en die armes nie. Lees verder ...
Thyspunt nou op volspoed
James-Brent Styan
Die Burger, 22 November 2011Die regering is volspoed op pad na die konstruksie van ’n tweede kernkragstasie en Die Burger verneem dit sal op Thyspunt in die Oos-Kaap gebou word.
Thyspunt is reeds in die vroeë 1980’s as een van vyf moontlike liggings vir nuwe kernkragstasies geïdentifiseer.
Mnr. Tony Stott, Eskom se woordvoerder oor kernkrag, het gesê as die regering nou nuwe persele vir kernkragstasies moet identifiseer, kan dit tot ’n vertraging van ’n verdere vyf jaar lei.
Die kabinet het die IRP2010, die regering se kragbloudruk vir die volgende 20 jaar, egter in Maart vanjaar goedgekeur. Dit maak voorsiening vir 9600MW se nuwe kernkrag, waarvan die eerste reeds in 2023 verskaf moet word.
Voordat konstruksie kan begin, moet die omgewingsimpakstudie eers suksesvol afgehandel wees. Dié studie sal vir die konstruksie van een kernkragstasie met ’n maksimum kapasiteit van 4000MW voorsiening maak. Lees verder ...
Klik hier en lees die Kouga DA se standpunt in verband met die voorgestelde kernkragsentrale by Thyspunt.
Life saving medication left to expire by the ton
The following is an extract from a statement issued on 21 November 2011
by John Cupido (MPL), acting provincial spokesperson on health:
“In the last six months the Eastern Cape Department of Health has destroyed almost 50 tons of medication, most of which is expired goods.
Allowing vast amounts of medication to expire and go to ruin is the same as withholding treatment and is tantamount to a human rights violation.
The majority of the expired medicine that has been destroyed by the Department of Health comes from state hospitals within the province. If even the most simple of stock control measures were exercised then millions of Rand worth of medication could have been redistributed to clinics across the Eastern Cape .
I will be submitting questions for oral reply by MEC for Health in the legislature scheduled for 7 December to ascertain exactly why this travesty was allowed to happen and will demand that the department makes the relevant changes to not allow this to happen again.”
Monday, November 21, 2011
Gemeenskapsgerigte beplanning
‘n Wyk 3-vergadering om die ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van die wyk te bespreek, word op 29 November 2011 in die Newtonsaal gehou. Die vergadering begin om 10:00.
Die ontwikkelingsbehoeftes van Wyk 3 word vervolgens aan die munisipaliteit oorgedra. Die munisipaliteit oorweeg dan die behoeftes en besluit of dit by die geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan (integrated development plan) vir die Kouga ingesluit kan word.
Die Municipal Systems Act beskryf die geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsplan soos volg: “An integrated development plan must align the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the plan. Integrated development plans form the policy framework and general basis on which annual municipal budgets must be based. For example, if a municipality decides to encourage leisure tourism, it may need to budget for improving the transport route from the airport to the town, or allocate more money to cleansing services near tourist attractions.”
Beset onderwyskantore oor swak skole – Jansen
Pieter Steyn
Beeld, 20 November 2011"’n Mens hoef net by ’n staatshospitaal, ’n swak skool of by die departement van binnelandse sake in te stap om te sien die regering het ’n ‘f** jou’- houding teenoor die mense.”
Só het prof. Jonathan Jansen, rektor van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, eergister op die jaarvergadering van die federasie van beheerliggame van Suid-Afrikaanse skole (Fedsas) gesê.
Jansen het te velde getrek teen die regering se traak-my-nie-agtige houding teenoor die mense van die land.
“Ons moet, soos die Beset Wall Street-veldtog, die kantore van die onderwysdepartement in elke provinsie gaan beset,” het Jansen gesê.
Hy het veral mnr. Trevor Manuel, beplanningsminister, bygekom en gesê onderwys het genoeg beleide, maar werkbare planne ontbreek. Lees verder ...
ANC-onderrok oor korrupsie hang sleg uit
Beeld, 17 November 2011
Dit sou makliker wees om die ANC en die regering se vrome woorde oor die hokslaan van korrupsie ernstig op te neem as daar sterker optrede teen korrupsie in hul eie geledere was.
Enigeen wat soms wil moed skep, hoef maar net te kyk na wat Woensdag in die parlement gebeur het om te weet korrupsie het al in so ’n mate met die ANC sinoniem geword dat die eertydse vryheidsbeweging daarvan vrot is tot by die stingel.
Dit is niks anders nie as ’n volslae skande dat die ANC-meerderheid in die parlement se gesamentlike komitee oor etiek en ledebelange die geledere so sterk gesluit het om die ANC-LP me. Yolanda Botha.
Die komitee het bevind sy is korrup, dat sy en haar ouditeurs skaamteloos daaroor gelieg het en dat sy geen berou getoon het nie. Tot so ver die goeie nuus.
Die slegte nuus is dat daardie vrome ANC-LP’s, wat gereeld so hoog opgee teen korrupsie, weier om haar by die polisie en ander relevante owerhede aan te kla. Lees verder ...
Beeld, 17 November 2011
Dit sou makliker wees om die ANC en die regering se vrome woorde oor die hokslaan van korrupsie ernstig op te neem as daar sterker optrede teen korrupsie in hul eie geledere was.
Enigeen wat soms wil moed skep, hoef maar net te kyk na wat Woensdag in die parlement gebeur het om te weet korrupsie het al in so ’n mate met die ANC sinoniem geword dat die eertydse vryheidsbeweging daarvan vrot is tot by die stingel.
Dit is niks anders nie as ’n volslae skande dat die ANC-meerderheid in die parlement se gesamentlike komitee oor etiek en ledebelange die geledere so sterk gesluit het om die ANC-LP me. Yolanda Botha.
Die komitee het bevind sy is korrup, dat sy en haar ouditeurs skaamteloos daaroor gelieg het en dat sy geen berou getoon het nie. Tot so ver die goeie nuus.
Die slegte nuus is dat daardie vrome ANC-LP’s, wat gereeld so hoog opgee teen korrupsie, weier om haar by die polisie en ander relevante owerhede aan te kla. Lees verder ...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Eastern Cape set to yet again under spend on capital budget and overspend on personnel
The following is an extract from a media statement issued by Bobby Stevenson (MPL), DA Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature Leader and spokesperson on finance, on 18 November 2011:
“People are crying out for houses. People are crying out for decent schools. Yet the Eastern Cape Provincial Government continues to under spend capital expenditure and conditional grants.
On the other hand, the province has overspent on personnel for the first six months. This means more and more is spent on personnel and less and less on service delivery.
What is truly alarming is that people are paid to spend the capital budget but they are failing to do so. The reason why this continues to happen is that there are no consequences for non-performance.
A DA government will use the full force of the Public Finance Management Act to hold non-performers accountable.”
When the liberators re-attach shackles of apartheid
Phylicia Oppelt
TimesLIVE, 20 November 2011
I feel shamed and betrayed by the ANC as, 20 years later, censorship again reigns in the SA media.
How can I describe what it feels like this morning - this sense of shame for my nation?
The closest description I can find is to possibly compare it to that cutting loss of faith at the realisation that a religion no longer provides an explanation for the way the world is put together.
This morning, my loss of faith is in my country that seems to have taken a path that I no longer recognise. Read more ...
TimesLIVE, 20 November 2011
I feel shamed and betrayed by the ANC as, 20 years later, censorship again reigns in the SA media.
How can I describe what it feels like this morning - this sense of shame for my nation?
The closest description I can find is to possibly compare it to that cutting loss of faith at the realisation that a religion no longer provides an explanation for the way the world is put together.
This morning, my loss of faith is in my country that seems to have taken a path that I no longer recognise. Read more ...
Corruption at local government level
Barry Vosloo
According to Transparency International’s corruption perception index,South Africa was the fifty fourth (out of 178 countries surveyed) most corrupt country in 2010.
According to Transparency International’s corruption perception index,
That doesn’t sound too bad, does it? However, if you live in South Africa and are consistently bombarded by the media citing one case of corruption after another, you can be excused for thinking that there is no more corrupt country on earth.
While corruption at central and provincial government level is bad enough, locals are annoyed by evidence of blatant dishonesty in the ANC-controlled Kouga municipality.
There are several types of corruption that occur in municipalities. Many of our own municipal officials have been accused of bribery, embezzlement and nepotism in the recent past. Patronage, which refers to granting favours, contracts or appointments to positions in the municipality in return for political support, also springs to mind.
But corruption doesn’t simply happen. There are a number of preconditions that facilitate the kind of dishonesty in municipal circles that drive local law-abiding residents up the wall. These preconditions include institutional issues as well as personal attributes.
Larger municipalities often have inadequate policing and prosecution of corrupt officials. So there is less likelihood of either getting caught or prosecuted.
Places with failing economies and poverty sometimes get loans or start aid programs to support the local economy and the people. So, public officials are often able to unlawfully take the money or goods for private gain.
A lower level of education is seen as an important factor which encourages corrupt local government practices. When local political leaders are less educated, they will be less likely to find legitimate ways to make the municipality well-structured, productive, and successful.
In municipalities with an undeveloped or underdeveloped political culture, accountability and legitimacy is usually low. Principles of ethics are also not well-established, which encourages corruption to take hold.
Is there such a thing as a personality type that tends to engage in corrupt practices? You bet there is.
People who are greedy, witty, cunning and charming, good at flattery and manipulating others’ emotions, lie, steal and fight often, are the ones engaged in corruption. It is not surprising to learn that psychologists say that corrupt officials show a lack of empathy and remorse, shallow emotions, egocentricity, and deceptiveness when they lie, cheat or steal.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Trash 'n pay - new bill will put squeeze on unions
Stephen Grootes
Daily Maverick, 18 November 2011
There’s nothing the DA likes better than to find one of its own proposals being debated seriously by government and the ANC. And yes, it’s finally happened. DA MP Ian Ollis (full disclosure: Ollis is an occasional columnist for the Daily Maverick) was cock a hoop on Wednesday. He says that Nedlac (that forum where business, government and labour get together to thrash out complex issues… usually without the prying guise of the media. Probably the reason why it gets some stuff done!) is now considering a proposal that he’s submitted as a Private Members Bill. It would see unions being held legally liable for goods damaged by their members during a strike. Ollis says this submission now has the backing of the Labour department. Read more ...
Can we fly the flag?
Barry Vosloo
The Blue and Green Drop Certification Programme was implemented by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry a few years ago as a method of encouraging e.g. municipalities to achieve Blue and/or Green Drop status if they comply with drinking water and wastewater (sewage) legislation. A sign or flag indicating that the town has Blue or Green Drop status will allow consumers to drink water from the taps in the town with confidence, and be secure in the knowledge that wastewater is managed efficiently.
It appears that the Kouga municipality falls far short of both Green and Blue Drop requirements.
They obtained a woeful score of 36.3% for their wastewater management in 2009/2010. This almost certainly explains theJeffreys Bay pong that townsfolk have to endure when the wind blows from the direction of the Fountains Mall.
The condition of our drinking water is not as bad. The municipality achieved 74.95% during the 2009/2010 evaluation. However, they seem confident that they will ‘come very close to Blue Drop status’ when the next evaluation comes around - provided that sufficient funds are available.
The Blue and Green Drop Certification Programme was implemented by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry a few years ago as a method of encouraging e.g. municipalities to achieve Blue and/or Green Drop status if they comply with drinking water and wastewater (sewage) legislation. A sign or flag indicating that the town has Blue or Green Drop status will allow consumers to drink water from the taps in the town with confidence, and be secure in the knowledge that wastewater is managed efficiently.
It appears that the Kouga municipality falls far short of both Green and Blue Drop requirements.
They obtained a woeful score of 36.3% for their wastewater management in 2009/2010. This almost certainly explains the
The condition of our drinking water is not as bad. The municipality achieved 74.95% during the 2009/2010 evaluation. However, they seem confident that they will ‘come very close to Blue Drop status’ when the next evaluation comes around - provided that sufficient funds are available.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Politiek seëvier weer eens.
Cindy Liebenberg
Our Times, 18 November 2011
Die regering het onderwysers onlangs verbied om as wykraadslede te dien.
Onderwysers moet kies – dis óf die een óf die ander – want die staat is nie bereid om aan hulle dubbele salarisse te betaal nie.
Hier in die Kouga, en meer spesifiek Wyk 2, is raadslid Earl Hill reeds jare lank ‘n gerespekteerde onderwyser verbonde aan Pellsrus Primêr, asook ‘n bekende in skolerugbykringe.
Hill moes dus kies tussen skoolhou en raadslid wees.
Sou Hill bedank as raadslid, is die dilemma vir die ANC dat hulle die Kouga met slegs een setel in die munisipale verkiesing gewen het. Boonop het die ANC Wyk 2 met minder as 200 stemme verower. ‘n Tussenverkiesing sou dus ‘n groot risiko vir die ANC wees.
Hoe nou gemaak?
Maklik. Jy doen eenvoudig aansoek by die provinsiale raad om die burgemeesterskomitee van vyf na ses lede te vergroot om Hill te akkommodeer en voilà, hy verdien aansienlik meer as in die onderwys enkan aanbly as wykraadslid.
Die onderwys verloor nou wel een van sy knap leerkragte, maar die politiek seëvier en die belastingbetaler moet oudergewoonte hoes.
Die regering het onderwysers onlangs verbied om as wykraadslede te dien.
Onderwysers moet kies – dis óf die een óf die ander – want die staat is nie bereid om aan hulle dubbele salarisse te betaal nie.
Hier in die Kouga, en meer spesifiek Wyk 2, is raadslid Earl Hill reeds jare lank ‘n gerespekteerde onderwyser verbonde aan Pellsrus Primêr, asook ‘n bekende in skolerugbykringe.
Hill moes dus kies tussen skoolhou en raadslid wees.
Sou Hill bedank as raadslid, is die dilemma vir die ANC dat hulle die Kouga met slegs een setel in die munisipale verkiesing gewen het. Boonop het die ANC Wyk 2 met minder as 200 stemme verower. ‘n Tussenverkiesing sou dus ‘n groot risiko vir die ANC wees.
Hoe nou gemaak?
Maklik. Jy doen eenvoudig aansoek by die provinsiale raad om die burgemeesterskomitee van vyf na ses lede te vergroot om Hill te akkommodeer en voilà, hy verdien aansienlik meer as in die onderwys en
Die onderwys verloor nou wel een van sy knap leerkragte, maar die politiek seëvier en die belastingbetaler moet oudergewoonte hoes.
Kouga DA councillor instrumental in setting up FET facility.
Barry Vosloo
Kouga DA councillor, Juline Prinsloo, recently approached the Accord Business Academy (ABA) on behalf of the local community and expressed a deeply-felt need for a skills training facility in Humansdorp/Jeffreys Bay and the surrounding area.
Kouga DA councillor, Juline Prinsloo, recently approached the Accord Business Academy (ABA) on behalf of the local community and expressed a deeply-felt need for a skills training facility in Humansdorp/Jeffreys Bay and the surrounding area.
According to Maxie Theron, spokesperson for ABA , the college is an accredited private Christian-based further education and training institution registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training . The college opened its doors in the Eastern Cape in 1996, and has 11 branches in South Africa . In the Eastern Cape they have branches in Port Elizabeth , East London and King Williams Town.
“Over the past 15 years,” said Theron, “ABA has assisted thousands of Eastern Cape learners to develop industry-relevant skills, thereby equipping them for the workplace. The Grade 12-rewrite School at ABA is one of the largest in the Eastern Cape and has helped numerous learners to obtain their Grade 12 qualification or of improving their Grade 12 results to facilitate admission to various institutions of higher education.”
Theron explained that ABA Health, a sister company of ABA , focuses primarily on healthcare training. The need for such individuals in the communities of the Eastern Cape was identified as long ago as 2001. The Ancillary Health Care Course offered by ABA Health is fully accredited with HWSETA.
“At ABA ,” Theron concluded, “the focus is on assisting learners to discover their potential. We believe that we can help learners to gain the self-belief and determination to achieve their career goals.”
Eco-tourism initiative for Noorsekloof
Barry Vosloo
It has come to the attention of The Courier – Die Koerier that theKouga Municipality is considering a proposal by Mr. Morné Strydom of Zip-Line Tours to install and manage zip-line eco-adventure tours in the Noorsekloof, Jeffreys Bay .
It has come to the attention of The Courier – Die Koerier that the
Zip-lining is defined as “the harnessed descent of an individual via a steel cable, enabling a quick means of moving around in such a way that participants have a bird’s eye view of the fauna and flora around them without having a negative impact on the environment.”
The zip-line will include a guided walk through parts of the Noorsekloof. All activities are said to be eco-friendly and focused on promoting conservation.
The municipality says, “Due to the fact that in recent years the Noorsekloof has become targeted by vandalism and illegal activities, the zip-line company will clean up and preserve the area.”
Conservation-minded folk in Jeffreys Bay are certain to support this initiative.
Kouga-raadslid in hof oor klag van bedrog
Richard Roberts
Die Burger, 16 November 2011
'n Kouga-raadslid verskyn binnekort weer in die hof op 'n aanklag van bedrog.
Mnr. Vernon Stuurman is verlede Donderdag reeds in hegtenis geneem en het Vrydag in die hof verskyn. Sy saak is uitgestel en hy is op waarskuwing vrygelaat, het ao. Marianette Olivier, polisiewoordvoerder, gesê.
Stuurman (42) het na bewering skenkings aanvaar vir 'n kollega se siek vrou. Die bedrag van R10 000 het na bewering nooit by die vrou uitgekom nie.
Die geld is glo deur 'n sakeman van Jeffreysbaai aan die vrou geskenk. Stuurman het glo die skenking namens die familie ingevorder.
"Die sakeman het die saak teen Stuurman aanhangig gemaak," het Olivier gesê.
"Die munisipaliteit is nie bewus van raadslid Stuurman se inhegtenisneming nie. Ons kan nie kommentaar lewer alvorens ons die besonderhede het nie," het me. Laura-Leigh Randall, woordvoerder van die munisipaliteit, gisteraand gesê.
Die Burger, 16 November 2011
'n Kouga-raadslid verskyn binnekort weer in die hof op 'n aanklag van bedrog.
Mnr. Vernon Stuurman is verlede Donderdag reeds in hegtenis geneem en het Vrydag in die hof verskyn. Sy saak is uitgestel en hy is op waarskuwing vrygelaat, het ao. Marianette Olivier, polisiewoordvoerder, gesê.
Stuurman (42) het na bewering skenkings aanvaar vir 'n kollega se siek vrou. Die bedrag van R10 000 het na bewering nooit by die vrou uitgekom nie.
Die geld is glo deur 'n sakeman van Jeffreysbaai aan die vrou geskenk. Stuurman het glo die skenking namens die familie ingevorder.
"Die sakeman het die saak teen Stuurman aanhangig gemaak," het Olivier gesê.
"Die munisipaliteit is nie bewus van raadslid Stuurman se inhegtenisneming nie. Ons kan nie kommentaar lewer alvorens ons die besonderhede het nie," het me. Laura-Leigh Randall, woordvoerder van die munisipaliteit, gisteraand gesê.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Munisipaliteit skud vere reg vir vakansieseisoen
Barry Vosloo
The Courier – Die Koerier het verneem dat die Kouga-munisipaliteit volstoom aan die werk is om die skare vakansiegangers te ontvang wat eersdaags in die Kouga verwag word.
The Courier – Die Koerier het verneem dat die Kouga-munisipaliteit volstoom aan die werk is om die skare vakansiegangers te ontvang wat eersdaags in die Kouga verwag word.
Sekuriteit en brandbestrydingsmaatreëls geniet voorrang. Bykomende tydelike brandweermanne en verkeers- en sekerheidsbeamptes sal in diens geneem word. Wetstoepassingsbeamptes sal opdrag kry om streng op te tree teen persone wat hulle skuldig maak aan die gebruik van alkoholiese drank – veral op Dolfynstrand wat onlangs die sewende keer blouvlagstatus verwerf het. ‘n Viertrekbakkie en quad-fiets sal gehuur om ons strande te patrolleer.
10 strandwagte sal in diens geneem word om op Dolfynstrand diens te doen. Hulle sal spesiale veiligheids- en eerstehulptoerusting ontvang.
Benewens die 41 openbare toilette op Jeffreysbaai, sal ‘n groot aantal bykomende chemiese toilette gehuur en op strategiese plekke geplaas word.
En les bes, bykomende tydelike vullisverwyderaars sal aangestel word om die verwagte toename in huishoudelike afval te hanteer.
Tot dusver verdien die munisipaliteit volpunte vir beplanning. Ons hou duim vas dat hulle die planne ten uitvoer sal bring.
Maar dis nie alles maanskyn en rosegeur nie.
Die onooglike parkeerterrein by Dolfynstrand sal nie vanjaar geteer word nie. Durf ons uitsien dat die stuk grond in die nabye toekoms wél aandag sal geniet? Die munisipaliteit sê ‘paving must stand over’.
Hierbenewens het die goeie reën wat die afgelope paar maande uitgesak het die gras op sypaadjies en in openbare plekke weliger laat groei as gewoonlik. Dog die verouderde/stukkende grassnytoerusting het, volgens die munisipaliteit, ‘a negative impact on productivity’. Dit wil dus voorkom asof nuwe toerusring nie nou aangeskaf sal word nie. The Courier – Die Koerier wonder egter waarom dié taak in die vakansieseisoen nie maar uitgekontrakteer kan word nie.
Cape Town becomes World Design Capital 2014
From: SA - the Good News
This prestigious status is designated biennially by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) to cities that are dedicated to using design for social, cultural and economic development.
In a statement at a media conference on the meaning of the WDC 2014 award forCape Town , Councillor Brett Herron said, "Having won the Word Design Capital 2014 Award amongst all the world’s cities is a huge honour, but also an opportunity for Cape Town . Every winning city in the past has done something differently with the award and has applied design to their cities in different ways. Cape Town ’s bid was about making this city a better place to live in for all its people.” Read more ...
This prestigious status is designated biennially by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) to cities that are dedicated to using design for social, cultural and economic development.
In a statement at a media conference on the meaning of the WDC 2014 award for
Takbestuurskomitee koöpteer bykomende lid
Barry Vosloo
Die bestuurskomitee van die DA-tak van Wyk 3 het onlangs sy kwartaallikse vergadering gehou. Tydens die vergadering het Gene Tesselaar deur koöptasie lid van die bestuur geword.
Die bestuurskomitee van die DA-tak van Wyk 3 het onlangs sy kwartaallikse vergadering gehou. Tydens die vergadering het Gene Tesselaar deur koöptasie lid van die bestuur geword.
Gene is ‘n suksesvolle sakeman en was voorheen die president van die Jeffreysbaai-gholfklub. Hy is ook ‘n lid van die Wykskomitee van Wyk 3.
Klik hier om toegang te verkry tot die name van die volle bestuurskomitee asook hulle kontakbesonderhede.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
D-Day for dog owners
Barry Vosloo
The Courier – Die Koerier has heard that dogs are likely to be banned from demarcated areas of Kouga’s beaches.
The Courier – Die Koerier has heard that dogs are likely to be banned from demarcated areas of Kouga’s beaches.
The municipality say they have received numerous complaints from local beach going folk about dog owners allowing their pets to roam freely on the beach, causing a nuisance.
The public will be invited to comment on the proposed ban. Advertisements to this effect will appear in the local media soon.
Vrot vlootbestuur
Barry Vosloo
The Courier – Die Koerier het betroubaar verneem dat die Kouga-munisipaliteit in die knyp is vanweë die loopkoste van sy voertuie wat buitensporig hoog is.
The Courier – Die Koerier het betroubaar verneem dat die Kouga-munisipaliteit in die knyp is vanweë die loopkoste van sy voertuie wat buitensporig hoog is.
Die munisipaliteit se Asset and Fleet Management-afdeling het nou van die grootkoppe opdrag gekry om omvattend verslag te doen oor maatreëls wat nodig is om oormatige brandstofverbruik en die ongemagtigde gebruik van munisipale voertuie aan bande te lê.
Cope wil saamwerk met opposisiepartye
Jan-Jan Joubert
Die Burger, 15 November 2011
Mnr. Mosioua Lekota, Cope-leier, het ’n uitnodiging aan alle leiers van opposisiepartye gestuur om ’n beraad by te woon vir groter samewerking teen die ANC.
Teen gisteraand het die DA, UDM en VF+ se leiers by navraag aan Die Burger bevestig hul partye sal verteenwoordig word by die vergadering, wat op 25 November in Kaapstad sal plaasvind.
Elke opposisieparty sal gelyke verteenwoordiging hê, onafhanklik van die party se kiesersteun.
Lekota het gister by Cope se parlementêre kantore die media toegelig oor die planne en het baie tyd afgestaan aan die verkeerde pad waarop die ANC na sy mening is.
Hy meen die ANC is van koers met korrupsie, posisies in die staatsdiens en ’n onvermoë om basiese dienste te lewer, wat beteken die ANC se rol is uitgespeel. Voorts dat geen opposisieparty die ANC op sy eie kan uitdaag nie en die opposisie moet dus saamwerk.
Mnr. Mosioua Lekota, Cope-leier, het ’n uitnodiging aan alle leiers van opposisiepartye gestuur om ’n beraad by te woon vir groter samewerking teen die ANC.
Teen gisteraand het die DA, UDM en VF+ se leiers by navraag aan Die Burger bevestig hul partye sal verteenwoordig word by die vergadering, wat op 25 November in Kaapstad sal plaasvind.
Elke opposisieparty sal gelyke verteenwoordiging hê, onafhanklik van die party se kiesersteun.
Lekota het gister by Cope se parlementêre kantore die media toegelig oor die planne en het baie tyd afgestaan aan die verkeerde pad waarop die ANC na sy mening is.
Hy meen die ANC is van koers met korrupsie, posisies in die staatsdiens en ’n onvermoë om basiese dienste te lewer, wat beteken die ANC se rol is uitgespeel. Voorts dat geen opposisieparty die ANC op sy eie kan uitdaag nie en die opposisie moet dus saamwerk.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Red lights flashing for blue light bullies
Issued by: Bobby Stevenson (MPL)
DA Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature Leader and Spokesperson on Safety and Security
13 November 2011
The red lights are flashing for the blue light bullies in our province. I have tabled a question for written reply to the Premier, Noxolo Kiviet, to ask how she is going to stop this practice.
Last yearWestern Cape cabinet passed a resolution which ordered that all blue lights and sirens be removed from the vehicles of provincial ministers.
Our own blue light bullies must be stopped. This practice is simply an abuse of power and privilege.
The red lights are flashing for the blue light bullies in our province. I have tabled a question for written reply to the Premier, Noxolo Kiviet, to ask how she is going to stop this practice.
Last year
Our own blue light bullies must be stopped. This practice is simply an abuse of power and privilege.
DA beplan provinsiale kongres
Barry Vosloo
Die provinsiale kongres van die Demokratiese Alliansie sal op 30 en 31 Maart 2012 by die 1820-setlaarsmonument in Grahamstad plaasvind
Die provinsiale kongres van die Demokratiese Alliansie sal op 30 en 31 Maart 2012 by die 1820-setlaarsmonument in Grahamstad plaasvind
New domestic waste management in the pipeline.
Barry Vosloo
New legislation, which was promulgated in January 2011, will force municipalities to conform to civilized standards of domestic waste management in future.
This means that waste segregation must take place in the Kouga in the not too distant future. ‘Waste segregation’ stands for separation of domestic waste into dry and wet waste. Dry waste includes paper, cardboard, glass, tin cans etc. Wet waste, on the other hand, refers to organic waste such as vegetable peels, left-over food etc.
However, The Courier – Die Koerier heard on the grapevine that the Kouga municipality is unable to meet the terms of the new regulations within the specified timeframe due to a shortage of money.
Hence the municipality intends to apply for exemption from the provision of the regulations until the 2012/2013 budget cycle.
At least Kouga households can look forward to local waste management that will be kinder to the environment than existing messy procedures.
New legislation, which was promulgated in January 2011, will force municipalities to conform to civilized standards of domestic waste management in future.
This means that waste segregation must take place in the Kouga in the not too distant future. ‘Waste segregation’ stands for separation of domestic waste into dry and wet waste. Dry waste includes paper, cardboard, glass, tin cans etc. Wet waste, on the other hand, refers to organic waste such as vegetable peels, left-over food etc.
However, The Courier – Die Koerier heard on the grapevine that the Kouga municipality is unable to meet the terms of the new regulations within the specified timeframe due to a shortage of money.
Hence the municipality intends to apply for exemption from the provision of the regulations until the 2012/2013 budget cycle.
At least Kouga households can look forward to local waste management that will be kinder to the environment than existing messy procedures.
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