Friday, December 30, 2011
Kouga se nuusmakers van die jaar
Diegene wat op die hoogte wil kom van die Kouga-nuushoogtepunte van die jaar, kan gerus Our Times se uitgawe van 30 Desember 2011 lees.
Top 10 Zapiro cartoons of 2011
As 2011 draws to a close, the M&G takes a look at Zapiro's year that was. Click here to view.
(With thanks to Jacques Labuscagne)
(With thanks to Jacques Labuscagne)
Saturday, December 24, 2011
By nadere ondersoek het Japie Bosch laat weet dat die Kouga inderwaarheid ‘n Graad 3-munisipaliteit is en nie ‘n Graad 4-munisipaliteit soos in die berig, Die soustrein stoom voort, beweer is nie.
Vanaf 1 Julie 2011 sal die maandelikse salarisse en toelaes dus soos volg wees:
Maandelikse salarisse en toelaes: raadslede in Kouga (Graad 3)
| ||||
R 12,748
R 3,146
R 66,885
en speaker
R 10,198
R 1,570
R 52,561
R 9,561
R 1,570
R 49,374
Ander raadslede
R 3,824
R 979
R 20,101
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Die soustrein stoom voort.
Japie Bosch skryf soos volg:
"In die Staatskoerant (no. 1064) van 14 Desember 2011 word die nuwe salarisse van raadslede gegee.
Die tabelle op bladsy 7 en 9 dui op goeie verhogings. Kouga is ‘n graad 4-munisipaliteit.
"In die Staatskoerant (no. 1064) van 14 Desember 2011 word die nuwe salarisse van raadslede gegee.
Die tabelle op bladsy 7 en 9 dui op goeie verhogings. Kouga is ‘n graad 4-munisipaliteit.
· Burgemeester: R66 181 per maand (vervoertoelae ingesluit);
· Onder-burgemeester en speaker: R52 945 per maand (vervoertoelae ingesluit);
· Burgemeesteskomiteelede: R49 636 per maand (vervoertoelae ingesluit);
· Gewone raadslede R19 854 per maand (vervoertoelae ingesluit).
Dis terugwerkend tot 1 Julie 2011."
Lees verder ...
Zuma: 'Weeskinders, ouetehuise is Christenskap se skuld'
Nuus24, 21 Desember 2011
Johannesburg – President Jacob Zuma het tydens die bekendstelling van 'n padveiligheidsprogram in KwaZulu-Natal, gesê Christenskap het die bestaan van weeskinders en ouetehuise teweeggebring, het The Times Woensdag berig.
Sy klaarblyklike kritiek teenoor Christenskap staan in skerp kontras met die ANC se geskiedenis om godsdienstige terminologie te gebruik in 'n poging om die party te bevorder. Lees verder ...
Johannesburg – President Jacob Zuma het tydens die bekendstelling van 'n padveiligheidsprogram in KwaZulu-Natal, gesê Christenskap het die bestaan van weeskinders en ouetehuise teweeggebring, het The Times Woensdag berig.
Sy klaarblyklike kritiek teenoor Christenskap staan in skerp kontras met die ANC se geskiedenis om godsdienstige terminologie te gebruik in 'n poging om die party te bevorder. Lees verder ...
Fire service levy
The Jeffreys Bay Residents' Association reports that Kouga residents will be required to pay a fire service levy from July 2012. Read more ...
Another option for the Kouga Municipality’s proposed fire service levy?
Below is an extract from an article, The private provision of public goods in Kenya , by Z Cacares. Click here to access the full article.
“The Adam Smith Institute has published an excerpt from a project I’ve been working on based on research in Kenya ’s “informal sector”. The article is about private security firms that provide security subscription packages, run a full fire company and, yes, deliver the mail. Those interested in competitive governance may find it interesting.
BABS [acronym for “Be Assured of Best Services”] Security Services is one such company. For BABS security means much more than guards and cameras. Kenya ’s dysfunctional State has failed to provide many services traditionally considered the purview of “public” authorities.
Among others, BABS supplies and maintains all the equipment and staff necessary to operate a full-service fire-fighting outfit. Contracts are typically annual and tied to individual properties – not neighbourhoods or cities. BABS will work with insurance companies to lower premiums if a contract is taken out with their fire service, since some municipal services are unreliable or just non-existent.”
The Coerier – Die Koerier is indebted to local MP and leader of the DA in the National Council of Provinces, Elza van Lingen, for bringing the article to its attention.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Vandeesweek se goeie nuus - This week's good news
(Click on heading to view picture) The Courier - Die Koerier wens u en u geliefdes 'n geseënde feesgety toe. The Courier - Die Koerier hopes that you and your loved ones will enjoy a blessed festive season. |
Some members enriching themselves - Motlanthe
Hlengiwe Nhlabathi
News24, 17 December 2011
Polokwane - The ANC is struggling to develop "cadres" who put the interests of the people first, Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe said on Saturday.
To deal with this problem of "cadres feathering their own nests”, Motlanthe said he wanted party branches to prioritise discipline and political education. Read more ...
A day at the zoo
Cindy Liebenberg
Our Times, 16 December 2011
WHAT a joke last week’s Kouga council meeting turned out to be.
Our Times, 16 December 2011
WHAT a joke last week’s Kouga council meeting turned out to be.
Firstly, it started 15 minutes late. However, as we are on Africa time it was probably not so bad. With only two apologies in hand, the errant councillors who had not bothered to inform the Speaker, Magdalene Dlomo, they were not going to be present, drew her ire.
Then in sauntered Councillor Vernon Stuurman, only 30 minutes late. One wonders if he and the absent ones will be taken to task as Dlomo did, after all, make a big song and dance about written apologies even if they were just going to be late.
Even before the meeting could get under way DA Councillor Ben Rheeder questioned why a motion he had asked to be tabled at the meeting, was not on the agenda.
The Speaker’s reply that it was an administrative issue and she did not warrant it important enough to be placed on the agenda, infuriated the entire DA caucus so much they staged a walk-out.
Of course Dlomo had to call a 10 minute (which turned into a 30 minute) break, for the ANC councillors to regroup and strategise on what should be done. With the DA and three ANC councillors absent, they did not have a quorum anymore and could therefore not rubber-stamp all decisions made by Mayor Booi Koerat and his executive committee.
Stomping back into the council chambers, Stuurman valiantly declared the meeting must continue as they “cannot allow the tail to wag the dog,” prompting Councillor Phumzile Oliphant into a long impassioned speech of how the DA was undermining the Speaker’s position while hijacking her meeting.
Dlomo agreed the meeting should be adjourned to a later date and definitely not cancelled. During all this time acting municipal manager, Sydney Fadie, could not contain his giggling as I am sure he also found the proceedings a big joke.
The DA councilors, in the meantime, were hanging round outside the council chamber and were hungry. As the complimentary lunch was for the taking they were not going to lose out so they promptly sat down to enjoy the sausages and mash. This prompted mayor Koerat to draw the media’s attention to the audacity of the opposition party.
And there you are dear resident – yet another working day wasted by people we are supposed to trust to look after our interests. The oversight report and all the other important issues that were supposed to have been decided on, swept away to who knows when and who knows where.
Yes, it was just another day at the zoo – sorry office.
Kouga Municipality vehicles retained
Cindy Liebenberg
Our Times, 16 December 2011
The Kouga Municipality was able to reach a last-minute understanding with Adenco Electrical, one of its service providers who had 13 of the municipality’s vehicles attached by the sheriff of the court late last week.
An Afrikaans newspaper reported earlier this week that the vehicles were emergency vehicles and that the Kouga could possibly be left without any emergency services should the sheriff close in.
However, municipal spokesman Mfundo Sobelo said: “We have managed to speak to Adenco and we have made an arrangement with them. We are keeping all the 13 vehicles in question.”
Balju het sy oë op Kouga
Saturday, December 17, 2011
DA announces new National Spokesperson
Tuis in SA, al regeer wie ook
Tim du Plessis
Die Burger, 17 Desember 2011
Toe die politieke oorgang begin het, het ouer Afrikaners soms gesê “ons begin voel soos vreemdelinge in ons eie vaderland”.
Dit het my geïrriteer. Asof jy net tuis in jou vaderland kan wees as mense wat soos jy lyk en klink, die land regeer.
Ek het nie destyds ’n vreemdeling in my vaderland gevoel nie en voel ook nie vandag so nie. Die ANC sal nie besluit waar ek tuis of ontuis voel nie.
Die “tuiste” wat hy in 17jaar van ANC-bewind geskep het, is ’n blyplek vir bittermin – net die binneste binnekring van die ANC-elite. Waar mense met die regte politieke konneksies vrypas kry om die hulpbronne van die land en die staat straffeloos te plunder. Lees verder ...
Die Burger, 17 Desember 2011
Toe die politieke oorgang begin het, het ouer Afrikaners soms gesê “ons begin voel soos vreemdelinge in ons eie vaderland”.
Dit het my geïrriteer. Asof jy net tuis in jou vaderland kan wees as mense wat soos jy lyk en klink, die land regeer.
Ek het nie destyds ’n vreemdeling in my vaderland gevoel nie en voel ook nie vandag so nie. Die ANC sal nie besluit waar ek tuis of ontuis voel nie.
Die “tuiste” wat hy in 17jaar van ANC-bewind geskep het, is ’n blyplek vir bittermin – net die binneste binnekring van die ANC-elite. Waar mense met die regte politieke konneksies vrypas kry om die hulpbronne van die land en die staat straffeloos te plunder. Lees verder ...
Friday, December 16, 2011
This week's good news: International boost for SA renewable energy plan
South Africa has formed an international partnership with four European countries in an attempt to source funding for its renewable energy programme.
It is envisaged that the partnership, which aims to mobilise funding for environmentally friendly energy, will be a major boost to South Africa's renewable energy initiative. Read more ...
SA - the Good News via SAPA
It is envisaged that the partnership, which aims to mobilise funding for environmentally friendly energy, will be a major boost to South Africa's renewable energy initiative. Read more ...
SA - the Good News via SAPA
EC ANC 'needs to be rescued'
Luyolo Mkentane
The Herald Online, 15 December 2011
ANC leaders in the Eastern Cape painted a chaotic picture yesterday of a party plagued by factionalism, bickering and greed which had eroded it so much that its historic influence on crucial decision-making nationally had diminished. Read more ...
The Herald Online, 15 December 2011
ANC leaders in the Eastern Cape painted a chaotic picture yesterday of a party plagued by factionalism, bickering and greed which had eroded it so much that its historic influence on crucial decision-making nationally had diminished. Read more ...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Breaking news: SIU head Willem Heath quits
2011-12-15 17:06
Johannesburg - Newly appointed special investigating unit head Willem Heath has resigned from his post, Eyewitness News reported on Thursday.
EWN said this had been confirmed by the justice ministry.
Heath was appointed to the position by President Jacob Zuma just two weeks ago.
A storm erupted around Heath's head after he told City Press in a wide-ranging interview that he believed former president Thabo Mbeki had initiated rape and corruption charges against Zuma.
2011-12-15 17:06
Johannesburg - Newly appointed special investigating unit head Willem Heath has resigned from his post, Eyewitness News reported on Thursday.
EWN said this had been confirmed by the justice ministry.
Heath was appointed to the position by President Jacob Zuma just two weeks ago.
A storm erupted around Heath's head after he told City Press in a wide-ranging interview that he believed former president Thabo Mbeki had initiated rape and corruption charges against Zuma.
Surf Foundation active in Ward 3
Barry Vosloo
When the Ward 3 Committee met recently to identify the development needs of their ward, Councillor Brenton Williams and Koffie Jacobs of the Surf Foundation, gave details of current ventures and future plans by the Foundation to upgrade theJeffreys Bay beachfront within the precincts of Ward 3 at their own cost.
The committee was so impressed with the Surf Foundation’s submission that it resolved to submit their vision to theKouga Municipality to be included in their Integrated Development Plan (IDP) as a community project.
SupertubesPark in Da Gama Road is arguably the Surf Foundation’s best known project. The park incorporates an area where indigenous plants rescued from development sites in the region, are kept. The plants are mainly used to replant sand dunes and other areas in town. Apart from affording the community recreational space, the park is often visited by schools and other groups. Here they are educated about indigenous plants. The park is also houses two large bins in which residents can deposit recyclable material.
However, there are even more ambitious plans in the pipeline.
According to Williams, the Foundation’s medium term plan is to apply for permission to build a cycle path along Da Gama road from the centre of town to Kabeljauws. Such a path would be of huge benefit to tourism as many of the foreign tourists who visit the town often do not have transport. A business opportunity would also be created for a bicycle rental company.
Foundation is working with the international surf community to establish a surf reserve at Supertubes,” says Williams. “This has been done at other world class surf breaks in other parts of the world. New legislation would have to be drawn up and presented to Government for a surf reserve. This will go a long way in ensuring that surf tourism remains a job creator inJeffreys Bay , as well as offering future protection to the surf break.”
Williams also articulated an urgent need to solve the Lower Surfers' Point storm water problem and beach access. This area is being badly eroded. A storm water drain, similar to the one in the picture below, should be installed.
When the Ward 3 Committee met recently to identify the development needs of their ward, Councillor Brenton Williams and Koffie Jacobs of the Surf Foundation, gave details of current ventures and future plans by the Foundation to upgrade the
The committee was so impressed with the Surf Foundation’s submission that it resolved to submit their vision to the
However, there are even more ambitious plans in the pipeline.
According to Williams, the Foundation’s medium term plan is to apply for permission to build a cycle path along Da Gama road from the centre of town to Kabeljauws. Such a path would be of huge benefit to tourism as many of the foreign tourists who visit the town often do not have transport. A business opportunity would also be created for a bicycle rental company.
Foundation is working with the international surf community to establish a surf reserve at Supertubes,” says Williams. “This has been done at other world class surf breaks in other parts of the world. New legislation would have to be drawn up and presented to Government for a surf reserve. This will go a long way in ensuring that surf tourism remains a job creator in
Williams also articulated an urgent need to solve the Lower Surfers' Point storm water problem and beach access. This area is being badly eroded. A storm water drain, similar to the one in the picture below, should be installed.
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Proposed storm water drain at Lower Surfers' Point to combat erosion |
This would prevent further erosion and serve a dual purpose as a skateboard “park” for the youngsters in the ward.
At a more mundane level, the Foundation has identified several of the boardwalks leading to the beach, as well as various public toilets, that are in urgent need of repair. Supertubes is a critical area due to the high impact and because these boardwalks are used during the Billabong Pro every year.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
DA-oorwinnings net 'n voorsmaak van toekomstige politieke herskikking
Die onderstaande is ‘n uittreksel uit SA vandag, ‘n nuusbrief wat weekliks deur die leier van die Demokratiese Alliansie, Helen Zille, uitgereik word:
“Die herskikkingsproses in ons politiek is vir meer as 'n dekade reeds aan die gang. Hierdie proses sal in die volgende paar jaar aansienlik versnel.
Die uitkoms daarvan sal 'n tweepartystelsel oplewer waar mag vreedsaam, deur middel van die stembus, van hande kan verwissel. Politici sal verantwoordelik gehou kan word omdat kiesers sal verstaan dat die stembus mag in hulle hande plaas.
Die Demokratiese Alliansie vorm die kern van een van dié twee hoofpartye; die ander is die ANC.
En, teen 'n pas wat waarneembaar versnel, verskuif die mag vanaf laasgenoemde na eersgenoemde.
Soms gebeur herskikking sprongsgewys – soos deur 'n skeuring in die ANC of deur die samesmelting van twee opposisiepartye, soos dié tussen die DA en die Onafhanklike Demokrate.
Soms gebeur dit deur middel van sulke klein treetjies dat die meeste kiesers dit byna nie eers waarneem nie.
Maar kumulatief, so met verloop van tyd, word die punt bereik waar nog 'n druppel die emmer laat oorloop en die regerende party 'n verkiesing verloor. Dit het reeds met die Wes-Kaap gebeur, asook in baie Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite.
Soos wat die proses versnel en mens die kolletjies verbind, word die patroon al duideliker.
Verlede week het drie tussenverkiesings in uiteenlopende dele van Suid-Afrika juis sulke prominente "kolletjies" opgelewer. Dit was Thaba Chweu, Mpumalanga ; Thembelihle in Hopetown, Noord-Kaap en die derde in KwaKwa. Net ses maande gelede, tydens die plaaslike verkiesings, het die ANC nog al drie wyke gemaklik gewen.
Dit is ons in die DA se rol om die tekens reg te lees, die politieke tendense raak te sien en ons party dan reg te posisioneer om sy plek in die nie-rassistiese sentrum in te neem.
As ons daarin kan slaag, sal ons Suid-Afrika reeds voor die einde van hierdie dekade regeer.
Daar is, myns insiens, nou meer rede as ooit om optimisties te wees oor ons demokrasie se toekoms."
Councillor Thiart to submit development needs of her ward for inclusion in Kouga IDP
Barry Vosloo
The Ward 3 Committee met recently to identify development needs of their ward. Ward Councillor Henda Thiart will now submit these needs to theKouga Municipality for possible inclusion in their Integrated Development Plan (IDP).
The Ward 3 Committee met recently to identify development needs of their ward. Ward Councillor Henda Thiart will now submit these needs to the
The IDP must align the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the plan. IDPs form the policy framework and general basis on which annual municipal budgets must be based.
The most pressing needs in Ward 3 include proper maintenance of streets and storm water management. Thiart said that counsulting engineers have assured her that the road infrastructure is in reasonable condition but is weakened by poor storm water management. The Kouga Municipality will therefore be urged to make money available for the construction of proper culverts and drains to prevent water damage to private homes and streets.
The third priority is having the water quality and its delivery upgraded. Thiart pointed out that residents are annoyed because their water supply is often disrupted. The situation is made worse because tap water is dirty for a long while after a breakdown. She insists that the municipality should make money available for a hydrological survey and replacing old water pipes that cannot bear the excessive water pressure caused by gravitation in Ward 3.
Other issues that affect Ward 3 residents are the poor state of access to the beaches, dirty beaches and public toilets, the need to recycle glass and plastic, the poor condition of the children’s section of the local library, and upgrading the whale viewing site in Plane Street (click here to access a previous post in this regard).
The Ward Committee also articulated the need for a number of capital projects that concern all Jeffreys Bay residents, not only those living in Ward 3. These include a household waste transfer station and weigh bridge, upgrading the sewerage plant, and establishing a manned fire station in the town.
Finally, the Ward Committee expressed its appreciation and support for the worthy efforts of the Surf Foundation to upgrade Lower Surfers Point at their own expense.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Balju het sy oë op Kouga
Luidens berigte in Die Burger is ‘n lasbrief verlede Donderdag deur die balju aan die Kouga-munisipaliteit oorhandig.
Volgens die lasbrief sal die munisipaliteit sy nooddiensvoertuie verloor indien die skuld daarop nie vereffen word nie.
Minstens 13 voertuie is in die gedrang, waaronder twee brandweerwaens en verskeie 4 x 4-reddingsvoertuie.
Die skuldeiser is Adenco. Die eienaar van die maatskappy het glo gesê dat die munisipaliteit hom tot dusver nie gesteur het aan versoeke vir betaling nie.
Die munisipaliteit weet nie waarom Adenco nie betaal is nie.
‘n Ongeïdentifiseerde bron het aan die koerant gesê dat dit nou die besigste tyd van die jaar is wat ongelukke en bos- en veldbrande betref. Hierbenewens sal die duisende vakansiegangers wat die Kouga dié tyd van die jaar besoek, nadelig deur die gebrek aan noodvoertuie geraak word.
Die DA se koukusleier in die Kouga-raad, prof. Chimpie Cawood het gesê dat die munisipaliteit se geldelike situasie ‘haglik’ is. Hy het dit aan wanadministrasie toegeskryf.
Volgens die lasbrief sal die munisipaliteit sy nooddiensvoertuie verloor indien die skuld daarop nie vereffen word nie.
Minstens 13 voertuie is in die gedrang, waaronder twee brandweerwaens en verskeie 4 x 4-reddingsvoertuie.
Die skuldeiser is Adenco. Die eienaar van die maatskappy het glo gesê dat die munisipaliteit hom tot dusver nie gesteur het aan versoeke vir betaling nie.
Die munisipaliteit weet nie waarom Adenco nie betaal is nie.
‘n Ongeïdentifiseerde bron het aan die koerant gesê dat dit nou die besigste tyd van die jaar is wat ongelukke en bos- en veldbrande betref. Hierbenewens sal die duisende vakansiegangers wat die Kouga dié tyd van die jaar besoek, nadelig deur die gebrek aan noodvoertuie geraak word.
Die DA se koukusleier in die Kouga-raad, prof. Chimpie Cawood het gesê dat die munisipaliteit se geldelike situasie ‘haglik’ is. Hy het dit aan wanadministrasie toegeskryf.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
'Ineenstorting van die staat'
Rapport, 11 Desember 2011
Die regering het al so vroeg as Oktober 2009 in ’n oorsigverslag erken munisipaliteite val uitmekaar weens die ANC se jare lange beleid om kaders te ontplooi.
In dié oorsigverslag oor die stand van die land se munisipaliteite is bevind kaderontplooiing, nepotisme en politieke binnegevegte en -inmenging verlam dienslewering. Pleks van amptenare aanstel op grond van hul professionele vaardighede geniet diegene met die regte politieke bande voorrang. Lees verder ...
Rapport, 11 Desember 2011
Die regering het al so vroeg as Oktober 2009 in ’n oorsigverslag erken munisipaliteite val uitmekaar weens die ANC se jare lange beleid om kaders te ontplooi.
In dié oorsigverslag oor die stand van die land se munisipaliteite is bevind kaderontplooiing, nepotisme en politieke binnegevegte en -inmenging verlam dienslewering. Pleks van amptenare aanstel op grond van hul professionele vaardighede geniet diegene met die regte politieke bande voorrang. Lees verder ...
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Mainstream wind, solar projects worth R5bn advance to next stage
A consortium led by global renewable energy developer Mainstream Renewable Power reports that South Africa’s Department of Energy (DoE) has named three of its wind and solar projects, representing a combined capacity of 230 MW, among the initial 28 to have progressed to the preferred-bidder stage.
The projects, which represent a likely investment of R5-billion are expected to reach financial close by June 2012, with construction to begin shortly thereafter.
The projects named include the 133-MW Jeffreys Bay wind farm, located in the Eastern Cape , the 48.25-MW De Aar solar photovoltaic (PV) farm, located in the Emthanjeni municipal area of the Northern Cape , and the 48.25-MW Droogfontein solar PV farm, located near Kimberley , also in the Northern Cape . Read more ...
Friday, December 9, 2011
74% of Govt tenders go to officials, families
Zine George
PE Herald, 9 December 2011
THREE-QUARTERS of all Eastern Cape government contracts are awarded to companies owned by state officials and their families, a report tabled by Auditor- General Terence Nombembe revealed yesterday. Read more ...
PE Herald, 9 December 2011
THREE-QUARTERS of all Eastern Cape government contracts are awarded to companies owned by state officials and their families, a report tabled by Auditor- General Terence Nombembe revealed yesterday. Read more ...
Pothole victim gets R1.7m in damages
News24, 8 December 2011
Johannesburg - A Limpopo bakkie passenger who was flung off the vehicle when it hit a pothole, has been awarded R1.7m in damages, The Star reported on Thursday.
The province's roads and transport department agreed to settle a damages claim instituted by the man involved in a car accident on the Burgersfort road in 2008.
The claim was settled in the North Gauteng High Court after Hermanus Mare, 24, suffered serious fractures to his leg.
He subsequently spent three months in hospital and had to walk on crutches for about two years. He continues to walk with a limp and cannot stand for long periods of time.
Mare's injuries meant he could not return to work as a manual labourer on a mine after the accident.
In his claim, Mare said the department should have maintained the road and should also have erected a warning sign for travellers about the pothole.
He was on the back of the bakkie when the accident happened.
Mandy 's cynical comment: Has the road been fixed?
Johannesburg - A Limpopo bakkie passenger who was flung off the vehicle when it hit a pothole, has been awarded R1.7m in damages, The Star reported on Thursday.
The province's roads and transport department agreed to settle a damages claim instituted by the man involved in a car accident on the Burgersfort road in 2008.
The claim was settled in the North Gauteng High Court after Hermanus Mare, 24, suffered serious fractures to his leg.
He subsequently spent three months in hospital and had to walk on crutches for about two years. He continues to walk with a limp and cannot stand for long periods of time.
Mare's injuries meant he could not return to work as a manual labourer on a mine after the accident.
In his claim, Mare said the department should have maintained the road and should also have erected a warning sign for travellers about the pothole.
He was on the back of the bakkie when the accident happened.
Mandy 's cynical comment: Has the road been fixed?
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Blow to rates boycott
David MacGregor
PE Herald, 8 December 2011
Sunshine Coast residents who have been withholding rates payments could be without water and lights this Christmas after a court decision which allows a municipality to cut supplies to defaulters.
Ndlambe Action Group (NAG) chairman Derek Victor yesterday played down the possibility of his 300 supporters facing a dark and dry December.
But DA MP Annette Lovemore warned the Supreme Court of Appeal judgment set a precedent when it came to withholding municipal rates. Read more ...
PE Herald, 8 December 2011
Sunshine Coast residents who have been withholding rates payments could be without water and lights this Christmas after a court decision which allows a municipality to cut supplies to defaulters.
Ndlambe Action Group (NAG) chairman Derek Victor yesterday played down the possibility of his 300 supporters facing a dark and dry December.
But DA MP Annette Lovemore warned the Supreme Court of Appeal judgment set a precedent when it came to withholding municipal rates. Read more ...
To pay or not to pay
Supreme Court of Appeal rules on non-payment of municipal rates and taxes
National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Secrecy Bill Committee must produce a public participation plan
The following is an extract from a statement issued by Alf Lees, DA Member of the NCOP for Finance, on 7 December 2011:
“This morning the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Ad Hoc Committee on the Protection of State Information Bill met to elect its chairperson.
I will today submit a letter to the newly elected chairperson of the Committee, Mr Raseriti Tau, to request that the Committee produce a detailed public participation plan in terms of NCOP Rule 103(1).
This rule empowers the Committee to conduct public hearings and receive testimony from the public.
We are committed to engaging on the bill in the NCOP to ensure that it is brought in line with our Constitution and the values of an open, transparent and democratic society.
During the deliberations on the bill in the NCOP, the DA will push for the inclusion of a series of amendments, including:
- A public interest defence;
- A strengthened public interest override;
- A sufficiently limited definition of “national security”; and
- A review of sections pertaining to almost all offences (such as the possession and disclosure of classified information).
The Protection of State Information Bill has been met with widespread condemnation, and the ANC’s determination to push the bill through Parliament has seen the people of South Africa largely excluded from making their voices heard on this piece of repressive legislation. The bill has also undergone substantial amendments in the National Assembly without adequate public consultation.
The same must not be allowed to happen in the NCOP.”
Title deed ownership for housing beneficiaries in Eastern Cape
The following is an extract from a statement issued by Dacre Haddon (MPL), provincial spokesperson on housing, 7 December 2011:
"The annual- and financial oversight reports of the Department of Local Government was debated in the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature this afternoon.
According to an article in Financial Mail, the number of housing beneficiaries without title deeds is a major concern.
The article states that the low transfer rates of subsidised homes can be blamed on flawed administration processes which in turn delay the flow of subsidy funds from provincial housing departments to developers.
It is pointless for a housing beneficiary to receive a house but no title deed to prove ownership.
I have asked the MEC for Human Settlements, Helen Sauls-August, to inform the legislature when she replies to her department’s 2010/11 annual report, to inform us about future plans and how this process can be fast tracked.
Next year I will be specifically focussing on this issue and asking for regular progress reports at portfolio committee meetings and community outreaches.
This is a serious issue and the province cannot fail the people on this matter."
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Vandeesweek se goeie nuus
Barry Vosloo
“Die onderwysvakbond SADOU, oorweeg dit om vir die volgende tien jaar 'n moratorium op sy deelname aan stakings te plaas. Die president van SADOU, Thobile Ntola, sê die vakbond is van mening dat dit moontlik is om stakings te vermy. Die vakbond is in die verlede dikwels gekritiseer omdat hy stakings aangevoor en in die weg gestaan het van verbeterings in die stelsel.” Aldus RSG se 07:00-nuusbulletin op 7 Desember 2011.
“Die onderwysvakbond SADOU, oorweeg dit om vir die volgende tien jaar 'n moratorium op sy deelname aan stakings te plaas. Die president van SADOU, Thobile Ntola, sê die vakbond is van mening dat dit moontlik is om stakings te vermy. Die vakbond is in die verlede dikwels gekritiseer omdat hy stakings aangevoor en in die weg gestaan het van verbeterings in die stelsel.” Aldus RSG se 07:00-nuusbulletin op 7 Desember 2011.
Alle regdenkende Suid-Afrikaners sal SADOU se standpunt verwelkom. Dit is hoog tyd dat die organisasie een van die mees basiese professionele beginsels eerbiedig, naamlik om die integriteit van hulle professie en die belange van hulle leerders ondergeskik te maak aan hulle persoonlike belange.
The Courier – Die Koerier het ‘n vrugtelose internet-soektog op tou gesit om te probeer vasstel wat SADOU se standpunt in verband met standaarde van professionele gedrag is.
Hulle grondwet fokus hoofsaaklik op die ‘main aim’ t.w. ‘to eradicate all forms of discrimination in education and to strive towards a free and democratic system of education in South Africa .’
Te oordeel hieraan geniet die integriteit van die onderwysprofessie en belange van hulle leerders nie juis voorrang nie; dis nie die hoofdoelstelling nie.
Totaal oorheers deur die opgeblase retoriek van die SADOU-grondwet, verskyn die volgende doelwit - half toevallig: ‘To encourage the development of the aesthetic aspects of the learner’s life and to help promote his or her educational, spiritual and physical development’.
Totaal oorheers deur die opgeblase retoriek van die SADOU-grondwet, verskyn die volgende doelwit - half toevallig: ‘To encourage the development of the aesthetic aspects of the learner’s life and to help promote his or her educational, spiritual and physical development’.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Mense verander in die politiek
Rhoda Kadalie
Die Burger, 6 Desember 2011
Ek word dikwels gevra hoekom ek dit nie oorweeg om die politiek te betree nie. My reaksie is dat ek gesien het hoe die politiek te veel van my vriende vernietig. Mense wat voor 1994 heel aangenaam was, het arrogant, verwaand, eiegeregtig en narsisties geword. Politici oor die spektrum heen, met enkele uitsonderings, is ’n aaklige klomp.
Die ANC het talle mense vernietig wat vandag in ’n senior pos moes gedien het om rigting en leiding aan jong mense te gee. Pleks daarvan regeer jong, onervare, onopgeleide en onbekwame mense. En hul rolmodelle in die top-poste in die regering en die regbank was skelms.
Dié wurggreep van straffeloosheid in die heiligdom van die wetgewer moet vernietig word. Lees verder ...
Die Burger, 6 Desember 2011
Ek word dikwels gevra hoekom ek dit nie oorweeg om die politiek te betree nie. My reaksie is dat ek gesien het hoe die politiek te veel van my vriende vernietig. Mense wat voor 1994 heel aangenaam was, het arrogant, verwaand, eiegeregtig en narsisties geword. Politici oor die spektrum heen, met enkele uitsonderings, is ’n aaklige klomp.
Die ANC het talle mense vernietig wat vandag in ’n senior pos moes gedien het om rigting en leiding aan jong mense te gee. Pleks daarvan regeer jong, onervare, onopgeleide en onbekwame mense. En hul rolmodelle in die top-poste in die regering en die regbank was skelms.
Dié wurggreep van straffeloosheid in die heiligdom van die wetgewer moet vernietig word. Lees verder ...
To pay or not to pay …
On 4 December The Courier – Die Koerier carried a report under the heading, Supreme Court of Appeal rules on non-payment of municipal rates and taxes.
The report stated that the Association of Democratic Alliance Councillors (ADAC) had given details of the judgment of the Supreme Court of Appeal in the matter of Olga Rademan v Moqhaka Municipality , which deals with the powers of a municipality to discontinue the supply of electricity to payment defaulters.
The following is a further extract from the judgment that was delivered by Judge of Appeal T O Bosielo on 1 December 2011:
“The central dispute in this matter is whether the municipality was justified in disconnecting the electricity supply to the appellant whilst her account for electricity was up to date. The answer to this question is to be found in Section 102 of the Municipal Systems Act, which provides:
‘A municipality may
(a) consolidate any separate accounts of persons liable for payments to the municipality;
(b) credit a payment by such a person against any account of that person; and
(c) implement any of the debt collection and credit control measures provided for … in relation to any arrears of any of the accounts of such a person.’
This section makes it clear that in pursuit of its obligation to charge and receive payments for municipal services, a municipality has the option to consolidate the accounts for various services it provides. This is intended to circumvent the very problem confronting us in this appeal, that is, allowing residents to choose which account the wish to pay and which they will not pay.”
The appeal was dismissed with costs.
Supreme Court of Appeal rules on non-payment of municipal rates and taxes
Monday, December 5, 2011
President Zuma should explain appointment of Adv. Willem Heath
Statement by Helen Zille, Leader of the Democratic Alliance
5 December 2011
I shall today be writing to President Jacob Zuma requesting that he inform us of the reasons for the dismissal of Willie Hofmeyr as head of the Special Invesitgations Unit, and the reasons for his appointment of Advocate Willem Heath in his place.
The South African public remains in the dark about last week's sudden dismissal by the President of Willie Hofmeyr, and his replacement with Adv. Willem Heath.
The DA immediately raised concerns regarding the objectivity and independence of Adv. Heath.
These concerns were confirmed, and indeed exacerbated yesterday in an interview with Adv. Heath published in the City Press. It is clear from this interview that Adv. Heath has involved himself in factional ANC politics and aligned himself politically on the side of President Jacob Zuma.
This raises serious questions as to whether he will be able to objectively and impartially conduct investigations into corruption at all levels of government. Our concern remains that the President is trying to assert control over independent institutions by appointing people who are loyal to him as factional battles intensify in the run-up to the ANC’s Mangaung elective conference in 2012.
Section 3(4)(b) of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996 provides that the President may at any time remove the head of a Special Investigating Unit "if there are sound reasons for doing so".
We cannot allow the “Zumafication” of South Africa ’s constitutionally independent justice system. We believe the President must now supply the “sound reasons” for removing Mr Hofmeyr.
Moreover, in the light of Heath's admitted political loyalty, the President should explain why he sees Adv. Heath as a "fit and proper person to be entrusted with the responsibilities of that office", as required in terms of the Act.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Supervisor stole money
Piet Liebenberg
Our Times, 2 December 2011
Janice Jolinda Savage, a former employee of the Kouga Local Municipality , was found guilty in the Specialised Commercial Crime Court in Port Elizabeth last week of stealing R264 030 in cash and R599 360 in cheques from the municipality.
Savage, who is not in custody, will be sentenced on February 6 next year.
State prosecutor Ulrike de Klerk confirmed the court found that in the week of April 15 to 23 Savage received cash and cheques from the municipality’s cashiers but omitted to hand this over to Coin Security officials who were supposed to have transported the money to First National Bank.
None of the cash has been recovered and the cheques were not banked by Savage or the municipality. It is believed she destroyed the cheques but kept the cash.
Savage was a supervisor in the financial department of the municipality at the time. She resigned when the municipality started disciplinary measures against her.
Her duties included counting the money received by the cashiers at the end of each working day. She then had to place the day’s takings into safe custody before handing this over to Coin Security for transportation to the bank.
Savage and her husband, Edward, who is still employed at the municipality as a senior foreman in the technical department, were also accused in 2009 of successfully tendering for municipal contracts despite government laws prohibiting this.
They were believed to have brazenly used municipal equipment to conduct the business from municipal premises.
According to notes in the annual financial statements of the municipality for the year ending June 30 2010, J Savage and ET Savage are listed as relatives of people in a company called Delevex 754 CC and GW Projects which were awarded contracts to the value of R334 256 and R49118 by the municipality.
An external auditing firm did an investigation at the time but the municipality was not prepared to divulge the recommendations.
It is unclear at this stage whether the asset forfeiture unit will get involved with the recovery of the money. The Savages are believed to own extensive residential property in Jeffreys Bay and several vehicles.
Municipal spokesman Mfundo Sobelo admitted the cash was not recovered.
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