Saturday, May 5, 2012

DA van die Kouga kommunikeer beter

Barry Vosloo

Die Demokratiese Alliansie van die Kouga verdien ‘n klop op die skouer omdat kommunikasie met hulle ondersteuners aansienlik verbeter het.

Die afgelope twee maande of wat het DA-raadslede elke week blootstelling in die plaaslike media ontvang. Hierbenewens het hulle ‘n facebook-blad (klik op van stapel gestuur en ‘n blog (klik op die lig laat sien. Laasgenoemde bevat selfs soms Afrikaanstalige berigte, alhoewel die taalversorsing daarvan nie te waffers is nie.

The Courier - Die Koerier vermoed dat plaaslike DA-ondersteuners vir die eerste keer voel dat die Demokratiese Alliansie van die Kouga hulle reg op moeitelose toegang tot geloofwaardige plaaslike DA-nuus respekteer

Friday, April 13, 2012

Kouga DA stuur sy eie blog van stapel

Barry Vosloo

Die Kouga DA het sy ondersteuners uitgenooi om op die hoogte van die jongste DA-nuus in die Kouga te bly deur op hulle spiksplinternuwe blog in te teken. Klik hier en kyk self.

The Courier – Die Koerier sê met gróót genoegdoening: uiteindelik en welgedaan!  

Die “ hou jou mond “-vergadering

Ludwig Vorster van Jeffreysbaai skryf soos volg

“Tydens die openbare draft budget-vergadering op 11 April in die Newtonsaal, is ‘n lid van die publiek deur die voorsitter, burgermeester Booi Koerat  die woorde “hou jou mond” toegesnou. Dis duidelik dat dié uitdrukking deel van sy algemene gebruikswoordeskat is wanneer hy met die publiek of met jou kinders of met gewone mense praat wat ‘n vergadering bywoon.

Volgens mnr. Koerat en ene mnr. Stuurman was dit nie vir hom nodig om verskoning te vra vir sy woordkeuse nie.

Toe is die rassekaart ook nog gespeel. Koerat het beweer dat witmense neersien op die huidige party wat die meerderheid in die Kouga-raad vorm.

Die persoon wat sy “ mond moet hou “  het toe ook summier die saal verlaat.

Die voorsitter van die Jeffreysbaai-inwonersvereniging, Paul Hjul, het ook beswaar gemaak omdat Koerat se adjudant die vergadering wou oorneem en namens die voorsitter praat. Hy het ook uitgevaar oor die swak organisasie van die vergadering gekenmerk het.

Hierop het die voorsitter hom (Hjul) die leviete voorgelees en mooi laat verstaan hoe sy gedrag op ‘n vergadering behoort te wees. Die voorsitter het beswaar gemaak oor Hjul se “hoë” Engels en die feit dat hy só vinnig praat dat niemand hom kon verstaan nie. Vervolgens het die voorsitter weer eens die rassekaart gespeel.

Myns insiens het die voorsitter en sy adjudant hulle onwaardig en aggressief gedra. Dit was galbrakery op sy beste.

Dit is jammer dat  diegene wat die vergadering bygewoon het nie ‘n mosie van wantroue in die voorsitter ingestel het nie. Jeffreysbaaiers verwag beter gedrag van diegene wie se salarisse hulle betaal.

Dit was ‘n karige, onbevredigende en swakbeplande IDP en Begroting wat ter tafel gelê is, vol wensdenkery en grootdoenerigheid. Dit sal baie interessant wees om te sien wat die Ouditeur-Generaal met sy volgende jaarverslag bevind.”

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Local DA councillor acclaimed

Barry Vosloo

Clr. David Aldendorff
Click here to view picture.

According to local gossip, Clr. David Aldendorff is one of the most hardworking DA councillors in the Kouga. For example, it is said that he regularly visits his constituents.

Aldendorff would not confirm or deny rumours in this regard.

However, Aldendorff’s Ward 8 DA branch in upper Wavecrest, Jeffreys Bay, was named as the best in the Eastern Cape at the recent DA provincial congress in Grahamstown.

Clr. Aldendorff was acclaimed as the driving force behind the identification of new voters. He not only made sure that they were registered to vote, but also that they cast their vote in the municipal election of May 2011.

Consequently, more than 80% of the voters in Ward 8 turned up and the DA received 92% of all votes cast.

When The Courier – Die Koerier congratulated him on his achievement, he modestly pointed out that it was a team effort. He said that his branch committee worked very hard to achieve the results.

Adjunkminister waarsku teen nasionalisering

Die adjunkminister van Internasionale Betrekkinge, Marius Fransman, het 'n beroep op die land se jeug gedoen om vaardighede te bekom om produktief te raak, omdat nasionalisering nie hulle ekonomiese probleme gaan oplos nie.

Fransman het gisteraand (11 April) in Khayelitsha en Mitchell's Plain skoolbeheerligame toegespreek. Hy het die sowat drie-miljoen werklose jeugdiges tussen 16- en 24-jaar gemaan om nie die waarde van vaardighede te onderskat nie. Fransman sê jongmense moenie dink hulle hoef nie werk of vaardighede te hê nie. Die land het 'n produktiewe gemeenskap nodig en daarvoor is vaardighede noodsaaklik.

Hy het gesê een of ander beleid soos nasionalisering sal nie hul probleme oplos nie.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hoe sou Hani vandag oor die ANC voel?

Die Burger, 11 April 2012

Hoe anders is die Suid-Afrika wat op die randjie van ’n rasse-oorlog was toe Chris Hani op 10 April 1993 deur twee regses vermoor is, nie in vergelyking met vandag se ANC nie.

Mnr. Nelson Mandela het destyds die kruitvat ontlont met sy versoenende boodskap.

Vandag is die ANC ’n skaduwee van wat hy destyds was. Van die morele leierskap van ’n Mandela is min teken.

Trouens, Hani – wat nou deur die ANC verheerlik word – sou bes moontlik sy kop in skaamte laat sak het vir die optrede van heelparty ANC-leiers in hoë posisies.

Klik hier om meer te lees.

Local DA politicians receive awards

DURING its Eastern Cape’s provincial congress, the Democratic Alliance honoured three local politicians.

On the left is Clr. David Aldendorff who guided Ward 8 (Jeffreys Bay) to become the best DA branch in the Eastern Cape. Next to him is local MP, Elza van Lingen, who was honoured for her commitment to the DA and structures of the party. Next to her is Heneke Swanepoel from Koukamma. The best performing ward councillor in the Eastern Cape is Clr. Freddie Kamfer (right), who was instrumental in winning Ward 4 (Humansdorp) for the DA by ousting the incumbent ANC counsellor.

[Information kindly provided by Cindy Liebenberg, Our Times, 11 April 2012.] 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kouga DA-raadslid presteer in swem

Bettie Gilliomee
Die Burger, 10 April 2012

Suid-Afrika se enigste oopwater-vlinderslagswemmer, Brenton Williams (45) van Jeffreysbaai, het die afgelope twee weke nie net ‘n wêreldrekord laat spat nie, maar ook uitstekend gevaar in die moordende 8 km Bell Buoy-uitdaging by die Splashfees in Port Elizabeth.

Nou het Williams die oop stuk see tussen Robbeneiland en Drieankerbaai in Kaapstad in sy visier.

Williams, DA-raadslid van die Kouga-munisipaliteit, swem sedert hy ses jaar oud is en het hierdie seisoen vir die eerste keer vlinderslag begin swem in oopwater-kompetisies.

Volgens hom is hy die enigste Suid-Afrikaner wat dit tans doen.

Hoë morele grond

Fred Mouton in Die Burger, 10 April 2012
Klik hier om spotprent te besigtig.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kouga DA skerp sy kommunikasie op

Barry Vosloo

Die Kouga DA kommunikeer al beter. Klik hier en kyk self. Hulle moet net nie vergeet dat hulle baie Afrikaanssprekendes se steun geniet nie! Hierbenewens is plaaslike politieke nuus ook maar skrapserig.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Draft budget: approved or not?

Monique Basson
Kouga Express, 5 April 2012

A HEATED debate surrounds the draft budget that was approved in council last week. Click here to read a report which appeared in the Kouga Express on 29 March 2012.

According to municipal spokesperson, Laura-Leigh Randall, council approved a draft operating budget of just more than R517 million for 2012/2013 at a meeting in Jeffreys Bay on March 28.

DA Caucus leader, councillor Chimpie Cawood, lashed out at this statement, saying: “The DA Caucus wish[es] to put on record that the 2012/2013 budget was not approved at the council meeting on March 28, but referred to a workshop for further discussion.”

Randall said: “The municipality stands by the media release, which was issued after the meeting at which the draft budget was adopted. Please note, that both the article and headline in the Kouga Express clearly state that it was the ‘draft budget’ that was approved. The ‘draft’ is not the final document. It is a working document.

“The media release, as issued by the municipality is, therefore, correct and can also be viewed here.”

Rade mag nie net krane toedraai

Phillip de Bruin
Die Burger, 5 Maart 2012

Stadsrade mag onder geen omstandighede verbruikers se watervoorsiening afsny wanneer ’n bedrag op die rekening uitstaande is, maar daar ’n dispuut oor die bedrag is nie.

Vyf appèlregters het dié verreikende beslissing gister gegee in ’n geding wat spesifiek die metroraad van Kaapstad raak, maar ook vir alle ander stadsrade in die land sal geld.
Klik hier om verder te lees.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Councillors don't read newspapers

Cindy Liebenberg
Our Times, 4 April 2012

DEAR Reader,

It might come as a shock to you, but it has become clear that your elected councillors do not read newspapers.

This became evident during last week’s tabling of the draft annual budget when Kouga executive mayor Booi Koerat delivered an open and frank speech.

Although it was heart-warming and encouraging to hear the mayor so gallantly acknowledging the calamitous state of the municipality’s finances, it was also extremely worrying – because all the wrong-doings Our Times has reported on the past couple of years are only now being acknowledged by the present council.

Our Times was often, and is still being accused of being negative, and has been threatened with court action as we relentlessly exposed poor management within the municipality, warned of their extensive wage bill and informed our readers of the exorbitant debt to Eskom and the Nelson Mandela Metro.

Surprisingly the mayor claims the present council did not realise the dire financial situation facing this municipality when they came into power last year May.

This newspaper has been shouting about poor management, nepotism, and downright theft and fraud from the roof tops – yet no one has heard!

However, what never fails to amaze is how all the institution’s financial woes are still blamed on the past. They claim ignorance (where were they these past four years?). It might well be so in the case of the mayor and the newly-elected councillors but what about the mayoral committee and the returning councillors?

The present finance portfolio committee is made up of nine old school councillors, 5 from the ANC and 4 from the DA.

So why were these nine councilors (out of the current 29) so shocked to realise that the municipality was in deep financial trouble?

Some of the above-mentioned councillors occupied key positions in the previous council and still do. So why the sudden pleas of ignorance?

It is now common knowledge that the three Rs – Robbie (previous mayor), Ridwaan (sacked chief financial officer) and Rankwana (sacked municipal manager) had ruled the municipality with an iron fist and did not take advice from anyone.

Be that as it may, the dismal state of the municipality cannot be ignored, and hopefully those who had no say in the past will now be heard. So let us give the current council the benefit of the doubt as the mayor believes they are making inroads in returning the Kouga to the once vibrant and well-managed place it used to be.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Council approves policies

Barry Vosloo

On 28 March 2012, the Kouga Municipal Council approved a number of policy documents that are to be put into operation by the municipality. These vary from a succession and career pathing policy to a code of conduct.

The Courier – Die Koerier was particularly interested in the overtime policy. Local ratepayers have been concerned about this issue for a long time.

According to the policy, municipal employees are required to work 40 hours per week, excluding lunch breaks.

The policy further stipulates that “line managers should try at all costs to avoid overtime.”

Nonetheless, during e.g. the festive and Easter periods, employees will be allowed to work a maximum of 3 hours of overtime per day, but not more than 40 hours per month. Overtime will be paid at 1.5 times the normal wage.

It is worth noting that overtime will be closely monitored. Employees will be required to sign attendance registers when arriving for work and again when departing.

Munisipaliteit wil vasstel of inwoners met dienslewering tevrede is.

Barry Vosloo

Die Kouga-raad het ingevolge wetgewing aan die einde van verlede jaar goedkeuring aan die munisipaliteit verleen om maatreëls te tref ten einde vas te stel of inwoners en belastingbetalers tevrede is met die gehalte van die diens wat hulle ontvang.

Die raad het terselfdertyd ‘n vraelys goedgekeur wat vir daardie doel gebruik sou word.

Die Direktoraat: Administrasie, Monitering en Evaluering sou die peiling vanaf middel-November 2011 tot middel-Januarie 2012 van stapel stuur.

Tensy The Courier – Die Koerier siende blind en horende doof is, het die peiling nie binne die vasgestelde tyd plaasgevind nie.

Monday, April 2, 2012

DA pulls out of the MPAC

Barry Vosloo

Last year The Courier – Die Koerier reported that the Kouga Municipal Council had earlier approved the formation of a Municipal Public Action Committee (MPAC). Click here to read the report.

In the event of irregular or wasteful expenditure incurred by the municipality, the MPAC is empowered to request the accounting officer of the municipality and other officials to appear before it to explain their actions.

The committee was made up of nine councillors, five from the DA and four from the ANC. Councillor Chimpie Cawood was appointed as chairman.

However, at a recent Council meeting the previous resolution was overturned by arguing that most of the members of the MPAC should come from the ANC because of its majority in Council. They were happy to accept Councillor Cawood as chairman of the committee.

The DA declined. Councillor Cawood resigned as chairman and was followed by the rest of the DA members.

The Council subsequently resolved that five ANC councillors will now make up the MPAC. Councillor Earl Hill is the new chairman.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Politieke pitkos

Verbeel jou ’n samelewing waar selfs ’n kind wat in die ergste armoede gebore is, ’n breinsjirurg, konsertpianis of sportheld kan word.

Ons [die Demokratiese Alliansie s'n] droom vir Suid-Afrika is van ’n oop geleentheidsamelewing waarin almal vry, veilig en gelyk is, waar almal die geleentheid het om hul lewensgehalte te verbeter en hul drome na te volg, en waarin elke taal en kultuur ewe veel respek en erkenning kry.

Dit is die droom wat ons sal toepas – die Suid-Afrikaanse droom van een nasie met een toekoms waar almal onder die grondwet in vrede, veiligheid en welvaart saamleef, met geleenthede vir en erkenning aan al die reënboogmense. Klik hier om verder te lees.

Uit: Ons visie, Federale DA

Zille kritiseer onderwys in Oos-Kaap

RSG-nuusbulletin, 07:00, 1 April 2012

Die leier van die DA, Helen Zille, sê die gemiddelde kind in die Oos-Kaap ontvang waarskynlik swakker onderwys as kinders in sekere dele van die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo.

Zille het in Grahamstad afgevaardigdes by die party se Oos-Kaapse kongres toegespreek.

Sy sê die onderwys het in die grootste deel van die provinsie ineengestort, wat 'n ramp vir toekomstige geslagte beteken.

Zille sê verraad is teen dié kinders en hulle toekoms gepleeg. Sy sê dit word vererger deur die feit dat President Jacob Zuma bereid is om die onderwysersvakbond - SADOU - te steun.

Zille sê hy ondermyn sy eie ministers se pogings om onderwys in die provinsie te verbeter omdat Zuma 'n paar bykomende stemme in Mangaung nodig het.

Die woordvoerder van die ANC in die Oos-Kaap, Mlibo Qoboshiyane, het in sy reaksie gesê die DA leier het nog nooit die tyd geneem om te verstaan wat gedoen word om onderwys in die provinsie te verbeter nie. Hy sê die rol van die gemeenskap - veral vakbonde en kerke - is van die grootste belang vir die onderwys.

Hy het bygevoeg dat Zuma daartoe verbind is om te verseker dat onderrig in alle skole in die land plaasvind.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Superspar sny self gras ná klagtes

Monique Basson
Kouga Express, 29 Maart 2012

Elliot Bhadi en Johannes Niwa van SuperSpar het die bekende winkelrakke vir ’n tamaai grassnyer en randsnyer verruil en gaan voortaan op ’n gereelde basis die sypaadjies in Da Gamaweg sny.
Foto: Monique Basson

DIE lang gras, wat menige stapper en drawwer se oefenroetine sedert einde verlede jaar pootjie, is uiteindelik iets van die verlede.

Nie net was dié hoë gras in Da Gamaweg ’n hindernisbaan vir diegene nie, maar dit het ook inwoners en vakansiegangers behoorlik die harnas in gejaag.

Die eienaar van SuperSpar in Jeffreysbaai, JP Venter, het verlede Dinsdag self ingespring en die gras op die sypaadjies in Da Gamaweg laat sny omdat die munisipalteit nie daarby uitkom nie.

Volgens Venter het die munisipaliteit die gras verlede jaar November laas gesny.

Venter het twee van sy getroue werkers, Elliot Bhadi en Johannes Niwa, toegerus met ’n industriële grassnyer en randsnyer, en die twee sal nou op ’n gereelde basis die gras in Da Gamaweg sny. Klik hier om verder te lees.

Council approves draft budget

Monique Basson
Kouga Express, 29 March 2012-03-30

THE Council yesterday approved a draft operating budget of just more than R517 million for 2012/2013 at a meeting in Jeffreys Bay.

This is R48,5-million or 10% more than the 2011/2012 adjustment bud-get of R468,5-million. The new financial year starts in July.

Kouga Executive Mayor Booi Koerat was applauded by the Council for giving a frank account of the municipality’s financial position before tabling the draft budget.

“When we came into Council last year, I don’t believe any of us had an idea of the dire financial situation facing the municipality. There were serious cash-flow problems due to, among other things, declining collection rates and historic expenditure patterns,” he reported to Council,” said Koerat.

“Over the past ten months we have started doing things smarter. A full financial recovery plan is in place and we are already seeing positive results.” Click here to read more.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Geen wysigings aan Grondwet?

RSG-nuusbulletin, 06:00, 29 Maart 2012

Die Minister in die Presidensie, Trevor Manuel, sê Suid-Afrikaners behoort nooit veranderings en wysigings aan die Grondwet te vrees nie.

Hy het in Soweto gesê 'n lid van die ANC se Nasionale Uitvoerende Komitee, Cyril Ramaphosa, het onlangs 'n belangrike punt gemaak toe hy gesê het die Grondwet is veilig.

Die DA se Jeugvleuel het vroeër die week 'n sitstaking by Konstitusie-heuwel in Johannesburg gehou, en 'n plakkaat onthul waarop die Grondwet verbrand word. Klik hier om plakkaat te besigtig.

Volgens die DA se Jeugleier, Makashule Gana, was die sitstaking en plakkaat daarop gemik om die huidige bedreigings teen die Grondwet uit te lig.

Voorafbetaalde elektrisiteitsmeters vir die Kouga?

Tshifiwa Shonisani
The Citizen, 29 March 2011

PRETORIA  - The City of Tshwane will soon introduce a by-law to make prepaid electricity meter box compulsory for all residents, Executive Mayor Sputla Ramokgopa said in Pretoria yesterday.

With the prepaid electricity boxes, the city wants to clampdown on residents who do not pay for  services by blocking defaulters’ cards from buying units of electricity.

The city also intends to tackle the problem of the billing system, overcome loss of revenue and secure its financial position.

In his State of the City address, Ramokgopa said the prepaid initiative  will be launched during the 2012/13 Medium-Term Revenue Expenditure Framework.

“It entails a full roll-out of prepaid electricity meters throughout the city.
“This project will be enforceable by law,” he said. Click here to read more.

Japie Bosch, van Jeffreysbaai, lewer soos volg kommentaar op hierdie berig: “Is dit die oplossing vir Kouga ook?  Ek weet daar is ‘n paar groot geeste wat dit in beginsel ondersteun, maar ek kan nie onthou wie almal nie.  Al probleem is dat ‘n meter R600 kos (vier jaar gelede) plus installeringskoste.  Nie almal kan dit bekostig nie.” 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This week's good news

Three ships voted world's best blended whisky

South Africa - the Good News
26 March 2012

For the first time ever a South African whisky has taken the title of World's Best Blended Whisky at the annual Whisky Magazine’s World Whisky Awards. The Three Ships 5- year-old impressed the judges to such an extent that they awarded it the overall award in the Blended Whisky category at the annual selection of the very best whiskies internationally.

More than 300 whiskies were tasted blind in three intensive rounds by an independent panel of judges that included some of the foremost whisky palates internationally. Click here to read more.  

One of the reasons why the DA deserves the support of all South Africans

Democratic Alliance Youth

In THEIR future the Constitution will reign supreme

(Copied from DA Youth facebook. Click here to view.)


Monday, March 26, 2012

Criticism in a healthy democracy

Barry Vosloo


One of the local DA councillors recently accused the writer of this report of “attempts to undermine” the DA. Moreover, he said that these efforts “only serve to strengthen the ANC.”

It is difficult to understand how on earth mild criticism of the Kouga DA for not effectively communicating with its supporters, can destabilise their opposition of the local ANC.

Perhaps the councillor should to take note of what Prof. Brian Martin of the University of Wollongong, Australia, has to say about protest/criticism in a liberal democracy: “Groups have various ways to limit the effectiveness of challengers, including promoting a narrow conception of 'acceptable protest'. Far from destabilising democracy, protest has been instrumental in forcing the introduction of most of the freedoms that now exist in liberal democracies.” Click here to read more.

To coin a phrase, therefore, criticism/protest is the lifeblood of a healthy democracy. The councillor and his cohort appear to be caught in a time warp. Their mind-set is disturbingly similar to that which prevailed in the bad old days of National Party rule. Remember when dissenters were demonized, harassed by the security police, thrown into jail or worse?

The road to Mangaung

Cartoon by Zapiro in Mail & Guardian Online
Click here to view cartoon

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wie glo die ANC?

Rapport, 25 Maart 2012

Tshepo Makhubela skryf in The New Age: “Teen die koers wat die ANC leë beloftes maak oor werk, tolpaaie en teen die agtergrond van die talle binnegevegte sal al sy nagmerries binnekort waar word. Die middelklas het al geloof in die ANC verloor; nou is dit slegs die armes wat die party volg omdat hulle eintlik nie baie het om in te glo nie.” Eina!

Council set to approve wind farm?

Barry Vosloo

Monique Basson reported in the Kouga Express of 22 March 2012 that the Kouga Municipality’s standing committee on Infrastructure Planning and Development has approved a rezoning application for the development of a R2 billion wind farm at Oyster Bay. Click here to read a previous report in this regard.

The issue is expected to be discussed at a council meeting on 29 March 2012. If approved, work on the wind farm will commence soon.

It is significant that a senior and widely respected DA councillor, Ben Rheeder, has made it known that his ward, which comprises St. Francis Bay, Kromme River, Sea Vista and Cape St. Francis, supports the venture. It almost certainly means that the Kouga DA approves as well.

Rheeder’s statement is also noteworthy in another respect: it is the third time in as many weeks that a DA councillor has been quoted in the local media. Does it mean that the Kouga DA is relaxing its apparent reluctance to communicate with its constituents? Click here to read a previous report in this regard.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Zille kan nog baie vir DA beteken

Die Burger, 20 Maart 2012

Die DA sal ’n fout begaan as hy te gou ’n nuwe leier in die plek van me. Helen Zille wil kry. Klik hier om verder te lees.

Die wedloop

F Esterhuyse in Beeld, 20 Maart 2012
Klik hier om spotprent te besigtig.

Friday, March 16, 2012

What did the local DA get up to this week?

Barry Vosloo

In view of the failure of the bigwigs of the local DA to communicate efficiently with the people who voted them into office and who pay their salaries, those who populate the DA peanut gallery have little choice but to rely on the good old rumour mill to churn out snatches of news about the stuff our public representatives are getting up to on their behalf.

According to the grapevine, the DA caucus attended a workshop somewhat pompously designated as the Performance Development and Management System for Councillors. Would it be too much to hope that communication formed part of the deliberations?

Further sessions were dedicated to the Integrated Development Plan (IDP).

The Municipal Systems Act describes an IDP as follows: “An integrated development plan must align the resources and capacity of the municipality with the implementation of the plan. Integrated development plans form the policy framework and general basis on which annual municipal budgets must be based.

It seems that the ensuing document will be made available for public comment by the end of March 2012.

Vandeesweek se goeie nuus

SA is weer bo ­in oudit, verslagdoening

Niel Joubert

Sake24 15 Maart 2012

Suid-Afrika se oudit- en verslagdoeningstandaarde is vir die tweede opeenvolgende jaar nommer een in die wêreld.

Die land klop 138 ander om dié posisie in die Wêreld- Ekonomiese Forum (WEF) se nuutste verslag oor internasionale mededinging wat ’n uiteensetting gee van verskeie faktore wat volhoubare ekonomiese groei en langtermynwelvaart bepaal. Klik hier om verder te lees.

Aanslag teen Zille in DA

Jan-Jan Joubert
Beeld, 16 Maart 2012

Me. Helen Zille, ystervrou van die DA, staal haar vir ’n aanslag deur ’n groep in die party wat haar as leier wil verwyder.

Die groep het stilweg onder sommige DA-lede begin werk om haar in November as partyleier te probeer ont­setel, of minstens haar vertrouelinge uit magsposisies te verwyder.

Die aanvanklike slagvelde vir die stryd is ’n reeks provinsiale DA-kongresse, met die finale veldslag in November by die party se nasionale kongres in Soweto, waar ’n nuwe nasionale leierskorps verkies moet word. Klik hier om verder te lees.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Swellendam-raad soek R2m. wat gemors is

Eugene Gunning
Die Burger, 15 Maart 2012

GEORGE – Sowat R2 miljoen gaan geëis word van gewese stadsraadslede en munisipale amptenare wat glo belastingbetalersgeld vermors het.

Die DA-beheerde stadsraad van Swellendam het aangekondig hy gaan die bedrag eis van mense wat by verspilde en vrugtelose uitgawes betrokke was.

Dit sal, sover bekend, die eerste keer in die huidige munisipale bedeling wees dat ’n eis teen raadslede en amptenare ingestel word oor geld wat vermors is. Klik hier om verder te lees.

[Wakker slaap, Kouga-munisipaliteit. Shakespeare het mos doerie tyd al gesê: “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown …– The Courier – Die Koerier]

Municipality to decide over wind farm

Monique Basson
Kouga Express, 15 March 2012

AS protest over the much-opposed wind farm gather pace, the Kouga Municipality is set to decide whether this controversial project must receive the green light.

The Kouga Municipality’s Standing Committee on Infrastructure Planning and Development will meet today to consider the application from Red Cap Kouga Wind Farm to rezone the areas on which the wind farm’s turbines will be erected near Oyster Bay.

And even if the municipality approves the application from Red Cap, it is clear that the developers of the R2 billion planned wind farm can expect some heavy weather from irate residents.

Fundamental to the opposition to this project is the sensitive nature of the environment in which it is to be erected.

Others are concerned about “visual pollution”, but the dairy farmers of the region look forward to the extra power that the wind turbines will generate.

The Red Cap Kouga wind farm project at Oyster Bay in the Eastern Cape is expected to go into operation during the second quarter of 2014 and inject in excess of R250 million into projects that will directly benefit members of historically disadvantaged communities in the region.

The wind farm, which in December 2011 was named as one of the preferred bidders in the Government’s independent power producer procurement programme, will generate 80MW of power and the first phase will consist of 32 turbines close to Oyster Bay.

Besides generating clean and renewable energy, the wind farm project will directly benefit local communities through the Red Cap Kouga Community Development Trust - a broad-based ownership scheme, which will ultimately hold a 26% shareholding in the project company funded through a R120-million Industrial Development Corporation loan.

“The Trust will participate in the revenue stream earned from the sale of electricity. Over the life of the project this will inject in excess of R250 million into health, welfare, education, local infrastructural and enterprise development projects for the direct benefit of the local community, which includes some of the country’s most historically disadvantaged and economically marginalised citizens,” said Mark Tanton of the 100% South Africa-owned and managed renewable energy developer Red Cap Investments.

Red Cap will also supplement these Trust funded programmes with its own community upliftment projects.